Partial gathering and uniform deployment of mobile agents in ring networks

Partial gathering and uniform deployment of mobile agents in ring networks

We introduce the results we for partial gathering and uniform deployment of mobile agents in ring networks.
The partial gathering problem requires, for a given positive integer g,
that agents meet at nodes so that at least g agents should exist at each node where agents exist.
The partial gathering problem requires less requirement compared with the (classical) total gathering, and thus,
the partial gathering problem can be achieved with smaller complexities.
The uniform deployment problem requires agents to spread uniformly in the ring.
This problem aims to achieve a symmetry configuration while the gathering problem requires symmetry breaking, and thus,
it is interesting to investigate the solvability compared with the gathering problem.

Speaker: Masahiro Shibata of Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan

Where: Room 105/25-26 LIP6.

When: 12 April 11AM to 12AM

Lelia Blin