E. Gelenbe, J. Labetoulle, R. Marie, M. Métivier, G. Pujolle, W. Stewart: Réseaux de files d'attente, Editions Hommes et Techniques , 1980.
E. Gelenbe, G. Pujolle: Introduction aux réseaux de files d'attente , Collection CNET-ENST, Eyrolles, 1981.
E. Gelenbe, G. Pujolle: Introduction to Queueing System , John Wiley, 1987.
G. Pujolle: La télématique, réseaux et applications , Eyrolles, 1981. (Traduit en espagnol, italien et portugais)
G. Pujolle: Les réseaux d'entreprise, réseaux locaux et bureautiques, Eyrolles, 1984.
G. Pujolle, D. Seret, D. Dromard, E. Horlait: Réseaux et Télématique , Eyrolles, 1985.
G. Pujolle, M. Schwartz: Les réseaux locaux informatiques , Eyrolles, 1988.
G. Pujolle, D. Seret, D. Dromard, E. Horlait: Integrated Digital Communications Networks , John Wiley, 1988.
S. Fdida, G. Pujolle: Modèles de systèmes et de réseaux, tome 1 - Performance, Eyrolles, avril 1989.
G. Pujolle, S. Fdida: Modèles de systèmes et de réseaux, tome 2 - Files d'attente, Eyrolles, avril 1989.
G. Pujolle, E. Horlait: Architecture des réseaux informatiques, tome 1 - Les outils de communication, mars 1990.
G. Pujolle: Télécommunications et Réseaux , Eyrolles, 1991.
D. Gaïti, G. Pujolle: L'intelligence dans les réseaux , Eyrolles, 1992.
G. Pujolle, M. Schwartz: Les réseaux locaux informatiques , Eyrolles, 1994.
E. Gelenbe, G. Pujolle: Queueing Networks , John Wiley, Chichester, 1998.
K. Alagha, G. Pujolle, G. Vivier: Réseaux sans fil et mobiles , Eyrolles, octobre 2001.
D. Males, G. Pujolle: Wi-Fi par la pratique , Eyrolles, octobre 2002, 2è édition juin 2004.
G. Pujolle: Cours Réseaux et Télécoms , Eyrolles, mars 2004.
G. Pujolle et Ucopia: Sécurité Wi-Fi , Eyrolles, octobre 2004.
L. Ouakil, G. Pujolle: ToIP, Eyrolles, 2è édition Septembre 2008, 1 er édition mars 2007.
G.Pujolle: Management, Control, and Evolution of IP Networks, ISTE Publishing Company, March 2007.
G. Pujolle: Les Réseaux-2008 , Eyrolles, septembre 2007, 1 er édition 1995 (105 000 exemplaires vendus)
G. Pujolle: Cours Réseaux et Télécoms , Eyrolles, octobre 2008 ISBN 978-2-212-12415-
G. Pujolle: Protocoles de transmission de données, Techniques de l'ingénieur, Paris, 1997.
- G. Pujolle: TCP/IP, Techniques de l'ingénieur, Paris, 1997.
Nadjib Achir , Marcelo D. de Amorim, Otto Carlos M. B. Duarte, and Guy Pujolle, Active bandwidth sharing for multi-layered video in multi-source environments, chapitre du livre Video Data, Hermes-Penton Science, juillet 2002.
L'Internet Ambiant (Traité Hermès, coordinateur), mars 2004.
Contrôle dans les réseaux IP (Traité Hermès, coordinateur), avril 2004.
Évolution du monde IP (Traité Hermès, coordinateur), juin 2004.
- H. Chaouchi, G. Pujolle, Réseaux sans fil émergents, Hermès, novembre 2008, ISBN 978-2-7462-1889-
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G. Pujolle: Performance of Data Communication Systems, North Holland, 1981.
M. Dupuy, J.A. Hernandez, E. Horlait, R. Joly, G. Pujolle: De Nouvelles Architectures pour les Télécommunications, Eyrolles, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987.
S.Fdida, E. Horlait, G. Pujolle: De Nouvelles Architectures pour les Télécommunications, Eyrolles, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991.
J. P. Cabanel, G. Pujolle, A. Danthine: Local Communication Systems, North Holland, 1986.
S. Fdida, G. Pujolle: Modelling Techniques and Performance Evaluation, North Holland, 1987.
G. Pujolle, R. Puigjaner: Data Communication Systems and their Performance, North Holland, 1990.
G. Pujolle: Architecture and Performance Issues of High-capacity Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, Springer Verlag, 1991.
G. Pujolle, R. Puigjaner: Local Communication Systems, North Holland, 1991.
D. Gaïti, G. Pujolle: De Nouvelles Architectures pour les Télécommunications, Eyrolles, 1992, 1994.
S.V. Raghavan, G.V. Bochmann, G. Pujolle: Network'93, North Holland, 1993.
H. Perros, G. Pujolle, Y. Takahashi: Modelling and Performance Evaluation of ATM Technology, North Holland, 1993
T. Hasegawa, G. Pujolle, H. Takagi, Y. Takahashi: Local and metropolitan communication systems, North Holland, 1995.
G. Pujolle: De Nouvelles Architectures pour les Télécommunications, PRiSM, décembre 1996.
G. Omidyar, G. Pujolle: Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks, PRiSM, mai 1997.
G. Pujolle: Keys to a mature information society, ICCC, USA, novembre 1997.
G. Pujolle, S. Fdida, H. Perros, U. Körner, Networking 2000, Springer Publisher, LNCS, May 2000.
D. Gaïti, G. Pujolle, A. M. Al-Naamany, and H. Bourdoucen : Net-Con 2003, Springer Publisher, October 2003.
H. Afifi, G. Pujolle: Wireless Local Area Networks: The Promise of Radio Access, Publisher: Kogan Page, December 2003.
E.M. Belding-Royer, K. Al Agha, G. Pujolle: MWCN'2004, Springer Publisher, IFIP series, October 2004
G. Pujolle: MAN'05, IFIP editor, Avril 2005
K. Al Agha, I. Guérin Lassous, G. Pujolle, Challenges in Ad Hoc Networking, 2006, ISBN 0-387-31171-8
G. Pujolle, Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks, Springer, August 2006.
D. Gaiti, G. Pujolle, Autonomic Networking, LNCS 4195, Springer, September 2006. ISBN 3-540-45891-3
K. Al Agha, X. Carcelle, G. Pujolle, Home Networking, Springer, January 2008, ISBN 978-0-387-77215-8
G. Pujolle et al : Wireless Networks, IEEE Xplore; December 2008.
Numéros spéciaux de revue internationale
G. Pujolle, R. Puigjaner: International Journal on Performance Evaluation, 1992.
G. Pujolle, O. Spaniol: International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking 24(2), 1992.
R. Onvural, H. Perros, G. Pujolle: Annals of Operations Research 49, March 1994.
G. Omidyar, G. Pujolle: IEEE Communication Magazine, flow and congestion control 29(11), Novembre 1996.
G. Omidyar, G. Pujolle, O. Spaniol: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Modeling of wire and wireless ATM networks, 29(11), Novembre 1997.
R. Boutaba, J. Kalvenes, G. Pujolle: MONET (Mobile Networks), Resource Control Schemes, Nov. 1999.
G. Pujolle: Policy-based Management, Annals of Telecommunications 59(1), January 2004.
A. Ahmad, G. Bianchi, L. Bernstein, G. Fodor, G. Pujolle, L. Bu Sung, Y-D. Yao, QoS support and service differentiation in wireless networks, International Journal of Communication Systems 17(6), August 2004.
Christian Bettstetter, G. Pujolle at al.: International Journal of Communication Systems, Special Issue on Self-Organization in Mobile Networking, 2005.
O. Duarte, G. Pujolle: Annales des Télécommunications 60(7-8), 2005.
H. Perros, G. Pujolle: Telecommunication Systems 31(2-3), 2006.
U. Korner, G. Pujolle: , International Journal of Network Management 18(2), March 2008.
G. Pujolle, H. Perros: Telecommunication Systems 31(12), December 2008.
Normalisation bodies (Mainly IETF)
P. Urien, G. Pujolle, IP benefits for smartcards use in wireless networks, ETSI, juillet 2001.
T.M.T. Nguyen, G. Pujolle, N. Boukhatem, COPS Usage for SLS negotiation (COPS-SLS), Draft IETF standard, London, août 2001.
T.M.T. Nguyen, N. Boukhatem, Y. El Mghazli, G. Pujolle, COPS Usage for SLS negotiation Draft IETF standard, Salt Lake City, december 2001. (http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-nguyen-rap-cops-sls-01.txt )
T.M.T. Nguyen, N. Boukhatem, Y. El Mghazli, N. Charton, L-N. Hamer, G. Pujolle, COPS-PR Usage for SLS negotiation COPS-SLS, <draft-nguyen-rap-cops-sls-03.txt> Juin 2002.
P.Urien, A.J. Farrugia, G.Pujolle, M.Groot, EAP support in smartcards, draft-urien-EAP-smartcard-00.tx, Octobre 2002, ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-urien-eap-smartcard-03.txt October 2003
T.M.T. Nguyen, N. Boukhatem, G. Pujolle, COPS-SLS analysis in NSIS perspective, december 2002,. <draft-nguyen-nsis-cops-sls-analysis-00.txt>
Thanh Tra Luu, Nadia Boukhatem , Guy Pujolle , Vedat Yilmaz, Yacine El Mghazli, http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-luu-ntlp-con-imp-00.txt, October 2003.
P. Urien, G Pujolle, draft-urien-eap-smartcard-11.txt, Février 2007
Journals and International Conferences |
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- G. Pujolle Proc. ACM-SIGMETRICS, Boston, USA, 1975.
- G. Pujolle Ergodicity Conditions and Congestion Control in Computer Networks, Performance'1976, 287-317, Stresa, 1976.
- J. Labetoulle, G. Pujolle Proc. IFIP Modelling of Computer Systems, Yorktown Heights, USA, 1977.
- E. Gelenbe, G. Pujolle Proc. Performance'97, Bonn, RFA, 1977.
- G. Pujolle Proc. ICCC 78, Kyoto, Japon, 1978.
- G. Pujolle, C. Soula A Study of Flows in Queueing Networks and an Approximate Method for Solution, Proc. Performance'79, North Holland, 375-389, Vienne, Autriche, 1979.
- Alain Kurinckx, Guy Pujolle Analytic Methods for Multiprocessor System Modelling, Performance'1979, 305-318, 1979.
- G. Pujolle Proc. NCC 79, New York, USA, 1979.
- G. Pujolle Proc. ICC 79, IEEE Press, Boston, USA, 1979.
- W. Boghdady, G. Pujolle, L. F. Pau Proc. FTCS 11, Boston, USA, 1981.
- J.A. Hernandez., E. Horlait, R. Joly, G. Pujolle NCC'83, Anahein, USA, 1983.
- G. Pujolle, O. Spaniol Proc. ITC 83, ITC (ed), Montreal, Canada, 1983.
- G. Pujolle Performance'83, North Holland (ed), Washington, USA, 1983.
- J.A. Hernandez., E. Horlait., R. Joly, G. Pujolle Infocom'84, IEEE Press (ed), San Fransisco, USA, 1984.
- J.A. Hernandez., E. Horlait, R. Joly., G. Pujolle Proc. IEEE Soft. Eng., Pékin, Chine, 1984.
- G. Pujolle, J.P. Claude, D. Seret Proc. Inter Conf. Computer Networking, North Holland (ed.), Tokyo, Japon, 1985.
- G. Pujolle Proc. Inter. Computer networking, North Holland (ed.), Tokyo, Japon, 1985.
- G. Pujolle, S. Fdida Inter. Conf. on Teletraffic and Computer Performance Evaluation, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1986.
- G. Pujolle 5th Inter. Conf. on Computer Networks, Récife, Brésil, 1986.
- G. Pujolle Multiclass discrete-time queueing systems with a product form solution, Intern. Conf. on distributed and parallel systems, North Holland, Kyoto, Japon, 1988.
- G. Pujolle Discrete-time queueing systems for data networks performance evaluation, Proc. ITC, ITC 91, Copenhague, juin 1991.
- G. Pujolle, H. Perros Queueing systems for the ATM network modelling, Intern. Conf. on the Performance of Distributed Systems and Integrated Communication Networks, North Holland, Kyoto, Japon, September 1991.
- Y. Dallery, H. Perros, G. Pujolle Analysis of a queueing network model with class dependent window flow control, Infocom'92 IEEE Press (ed), Florence, Italie, 1992.
- A. Tubtiang, H.I. Kwon, G. Pujolle Performance Simulation of a New ATM Switch Architecture, Proc. Modelling and Performance Evaluation of ATM Technology, North Holland (ed), January 1993.
- H.I. Kwon, A. Tubtiang, G. Pujolle A simple flow control mechanism in ATM network with end to end transport, Proc. IEEE, Infocom'93, IEEE Press (publisher) San Fransisco, USA, 1993.
- G. Pujolle, D. Gaïti ATM flow control schemes through a multi-agent system, Proc. IEEE, SICON/ICIE'93, IEEE Press (publisher), Singapour, septembre 1993.
- H. Kwon, G. Pujolle A Reactive Flow Control Mechanism in ATM Network with End-to-End Transport, FT-DCS'93, IEEE Press (publisher), Lisbonne, septembre 1993.
- M. Lemercier, G. Pujolle Performance Study of a New Congestion Management Scheme: The Multiple Push Out, ITC 14, Juan Les Pins, France, 1994.
- G. Pujolle, D. Gaïti Performance Management Issues in ATM Networks, INDC'94, North Holland (publisher), Madeire, April 1994.
- S.M. Jiang, G. Pujolle Analysis of RRMA for topologies of dual-bus, folded-bus and dual ring, IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology, IEEE Press, Shanghaï, Chine, June 1994.
- G. Pujolle ATM LANS: New trends and performance comparisons, International Symposium on LAN & MAN, Chapman & Hall (publisher), Kyoto, Japon, December 1994.
- G. Pujolle New trends in discrete time queueing systems, Mascot'95, IEEE Press (publisher), Durham, USA, January 1995.
- S.M. Jiang, G. Pujolle, D. Tsang Architecture and performance of an ATM-based MAC protocol for multimedia, ICC'95, IEEE Press (Publisher), Seattle, USA, June 1995.
- S.M. Jiang, G. Pujolle Prototype of an ATM-based MAN for multimedia services, 7th IEEE LAM/MAN Conference, IEEE Press (publisher), Miami, Florida, USA, March 1995.
- Q. Wei, F. Robles, K. Chen, G. Pujolle Some investigations on supporting IP traffic through ATM links with dynamic bandwidth allocation, Broadband International Workshop, Chapman & Hall (publisher), Paris, December 1995.
- S. Gara, G. Pujolle Study of MPEG VBR sequence quality transmitted with VBR-RT and ABT/DT contracts, IEEE Workshop ATM'97, Lisbon, Chapman&Hall (publisher) 26-28, mai 1997.
- S. Boumerdassi , G. Pujolle PRP: A New Policy with Channel Reservation and Prediction in Cellular Communication Systems, IEEE/IFIP International conference on Wireless and Mobile Communication Networks, Paris, May 1997.
- S. Gara, G. Pujolle Resource Allocations Protocols Impact on MPEG Sequence Quality, International conference on distributed systems, Tsukuba, Chapman & Hall (publisher), November 1997.
- N. Boukhatem, G. Pujolle ATM and TCP/IP, New Trends, International Conference on Computer Communications ICCC'97, Cannes, novembre 1997.
- K. Al Agha, H. Labiod, G. Pujolle, N. Salima Evolution Towards Autonomous Entities in Wireless ATM Using Intelligent Agents, International Conference on Computer Communications ICCC'97, Cannes, novembre 1997.
- A. Mehaoua, R. Boutaba and G. Pujolle An Adaptive and Selective Cell Drop policy with Dynamic Data Partitioning for best effort video over ATM, 22 nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Networks, IEEE Press, Minneapolis, USA, November 1997.
- A. Mehaoua, R. Boutaba and G. Pujolle A Hybrid ATM VBR/ABR Service for Scalable MPEG2 Video Networking: A Simulation-based Analysis, IEEE BSS'97, IEEE Press, Taipei, December 2-4, 1997.
- A-L Beylot, S. Boumerdassi, G. Pujolle A New Prioritized Handoff Strategy Using Channel Reservation in Wireless PCN, Globecom'98, IEEE Press, pp 264-268, November 1998.
- M.D. de Amorin, O. Duarte, G. Pujolle Single-loop packet merging for receiver oriented multicast multi-layered video, ICCC'99, Tokyo, Septembre 1999.
- G. Pujolle, Smart vs. Intelligent vs. Active IP Networks Intern. Conf. Smartnet'99, Kluwer (publisher), nov. 1999.
- M. D. de Amorim, O. Carlos M. B. Duarte, G. Pujolle Multi-criteria arguments for improving the fairness of layered multicast applications, Networking 2000, LNCS, Springer Verlag, Paris, France, May 2000.
- O. Isnard, AL Beylot, J.M. Calmel, G. Pujolle A study of Inverse Multiplexing for ATM Protocol, ICC'2000, IEEE Press, USA, June 2000.
- M. D. de Amorim, O. Carlos M. B. Duarte, G. Pujolle An improved MPEG behavioral analysis with autonomous parameter-extracting algorithm for strict video applications, IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC'2000, New Orleans, USA, June 2000.
- M. Rubinstein, O. Duarte, , G. Pujolle Using Mobile Agent Strategies for Reducing the Response Time in Network Management IFIP World Congress, Kluwer Acdemic Press, Beijing, août 2000.
- L. Boukhatem, A.-L. Beylot, D. Gaïti, G. Pujolle Performance Analysis of Dynamic and Fixed Channel Allocation Techniques in a LEO Constellation with an Earth-Fixed Cell system, Globecom'00, Vol. 2: 1145-1149, IEEE Press (publisher), San Francisco, USA, November 2000.
- L. Boukhatem, D. Gaïti, G. Pujolle A Channel reservation Algorithm for the Handover Issue in LEO Satllite Systems based on a satellite-Fixed Coverage, IEEE 53rd VTC'01, IEEE Press (Publisher), Greece, May 2001.
- L. Boukhatem, A.L. Beylot, D. Gaïti, and G. Pujolle TCRA: A Time-based Channel Reservation Scheme for Handover Requests in LEO Satellite Systems, ICC 2001, IEEE Press, June 2001.
- L. Boukhatem, D. Gaïti, and G. Pujolle A Time-based Reservation scheme for the Handover Problem in Future LEO Satellite Systems, MWCN 2001, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Recife, Brésil, August 2001.
- S-M. Senouci, A-L. Beylot, G. Pujolle A dynamic Q-Learning-based call admission control for multimedia cellular network s , MWCN 2001, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Recife, Brésil, August 2001.
- L. Boukhatem, D. Gaïti, and G. Pujolle A Time-based Reservation scheme for the Handover Problem in Future LEO Satellite System s , MobiCom 2001, IEEE Press, San Diego, October 2001.
- M. D. de Amorim, O. Carlos M. B. Duarte, G. Pujolle Application-aware Multicast, IEEE Globecom'01, IEEE Press: 2506-2510, San Antonio, USA, November 2001.
- L. Boukhatem, A.L. Beylot, D. Gaïti, G. Pujolle Channel Assignment with Handover Queueing in LEO Satellite Systems based on an Earth-Fixed Cell Coverage, ITC'01, Elsevier North Holland publisher Salvador, December 2001.
- C. Tijani, G. Hébuterne, G. Pujolle Mapping of Performance Metrics between IntServ and ATM, ITC'01, Elsevier North Holland publisher, Salvador, December 2001.
- N. Boukhatem, B. Campedel, H. Chaouchi, V. Guyot, F. Krief, T. M. T. Nguyen, G. Pujolle I3- A New Intelligent Generation for Internet Networks, IFIP Smartnet'2002, Kluwer (publisher), Finland, March 2002.
- P. A. S. Gonçalves, J. Rezende, O. Duarte, G. Pujolle Improving Layered Video Multicast using Active Networks, IFIP Networking'2002, Pise, Springer Verlag, May 2002.
- S.-M. Senouci, A.-L. Beylot, G. Pujolle Call Admission Control for Multimedia Cellular Networks Using Neuro-Dynamic Programming, IFIP Networking'2002, Springer Verlag publisher, Pisa, Italy, May 2002.
- H. Chaouchi, G. Pujolle A new policy based management of Mobile IP users, IFIP Networking'2002, Springer Verlag publisher, Pisa, Italy, May 2002.
- G. Pujolle, H. Chaouchi QoS, Security, and Mobility Management for Fixed and Wireless Networks under Policy-based Techniques, IFIP Word Conference, Montréal, Canada, August 2002.
- H. Chaouchi, G. Pujolle, H. Afiifi and H. Kim A Trial towards Unifying Control Protocols: COPS versus RADIUS/DIAMETER, MWCN 2002, Kluwer publisher, Stockholm, September 2002.
- A. Munaretto, H. Badis, K. Al Agha, G. Pujolle A Link-state QoS Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks, MWCN 2002, Kluwer publisher, Stockholm, September 2002.
- N. Achir, M. Fonseca, Y. Ghamri, N. Agoulmine, G. Pujolle Active Technology as an efficient approach to control DiffServ networks, IFIP/IEEE MMNS'2002, Kluwer publisher, Santa Barbara, October 2002.
- L. Merghem, D. Gaiti, G. Pujolle On Using Multi-agent Systems in End to End Adaptive Monitorin g , Management of Multimedia Networks and Services, Springer LNCS, Volume 2839 / 2003: 422-435, 2003.
- B. Zouari, A. Hecker, H. Labiod, G. Pujolle, P. Urien, H. Afifi A Novel Authentication Model Based on Secured IP Smart Cards, ICC'2003, IEEE Press 26, 1, pp 809-813, Anckorage, May 2003.
- M. Achir, Y. Ghamri-Doudane, G. Pujolle Predictive Resource Allocation in Cellular Networks using Kalman Filters, ICC'2003, IEEE Press 26, 1, pp 974-981, Anckorage, May 2003.
- H. Badis, A. Munaretto, K. Al Agha, G. Pujolle QoS for Ad hoc Networking Based on Multiple-Metric: Bandwidth and Delay, MWCN'03, Kluwer Publisher, Singapore, October 2003.
- Pujolle, S. Tohmé P3-DCF: Service Differentiation in IEEE 802.11 WLANs using Per-Packet Priorities , IEEE VTC 2003, IEEE Press, Orlando, October 2003
- D. Gaïti, G. Pujolle Network Control and Engineering for QoS, IEEE/IFIP Net-Con 2003, Kluwer 2003, Muscat, Oman, October 2003.
- B. Daheb, M. Du-Pond, O. Audouin, B. Berde, M. Vigoureux, W. Fawaz, G. Pujolle Service level agreement in Optical Network s , IEEE-IFIP Net-Con 2003, Kluwer publisher , Oman, 2003.
- O. Corre, I. Fodil, V. Ksinant, G. Pujolle An Architecture for Access Network Management with Policies, MMNS 2003, LNCS, Springer Verlag publisher: 328-240, Belfast, Septembre 2003.
- S. Lohier, S. Senouci, Y.M. Ghamri Doudane, G. Pujolle A reactive QoS routing protocol for Ad Hoc Networks, EUSAI'2003, LNCS Springer, pp 27-41, Eindhoven, Netherland, November 2003.
- N. Bouabdallah, E. Dotaro, G. Pujolle A New Traffic Aggregation Concept in All-Optical Wavelength Routed Networks, IEEE OFC 2004, IEEE Press, Los Angeles, February 2004.
- H. Chaouchi, G. Pujolle, M. Siebert, I. Armuelles, F. Bader, I. Ganchev Policy Based Networking in the Integration Effort of 4G Networks and Services, IEEE VTC 2004, IEEE Press, Milan, May 2004.
- H. Badis, A. Munaretto, K. Al Agha, G. Pujolle Optimal Path Selection in a Link State QoS Routing, IEEE VTC 2004-Spring, IEEE Press, Milan, Italy, May, 2004.
- T.M.T. Nguyen, N. Boukhatem, G. Pujolle Analysis of protocol operations and scalability of COPS-SLS negotiation system, IFIP Networking'2004, LNCS Springer-Verlag publisher, pp 1420-1425, Greece, May 2004.
- E. Erwan, A; Fladenmuller, G. Pujolle, A. Cotton Improved position estimation in wireless heterogeneous networks, IFIP Networking'2004, LNCS Springer Verlag publisher, pp 1306-1311, Greece, May 2004.
- N. Bouabdallah, A. L. Beylot, G. Pujolle Fairness Issues in Bus-Based Optical Access Networks, IFIP Networking 2004, LNCS Springer, pp 914-925, Athens, May 2004.
- H. Badis, A. Munaretto, K. Al Agha, G. Pujolle Optimal Path Selection in a Link State QoS Routing, IEEE VTC 2004, IEEE Press, Milan, Italy, May 2004.
- N. Bouabdellah, G. Pujolle, E. Dotaro, N. Le Sauze, L. Ciavaglia Distributed Aggregation in All-Optical Wavelength Routed Networks, ICC'2004 vol 27, 1, pp 1806-1810, Paris, June 2004.
- S-M Senouci, G. Pujolle Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, ICC'2004, vol 27, 1, pp 4057-4061, Paris, June 2004.
- Y. Khene, M. Fonseca, N. Agoulmine, G. Pujolle Internet Service Pricing Based on User and Service Profiles, IFIP/IEEE ICT 2004, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Brazil, August 2004.
- A. Munaretto, M. Fonseca, K. Al Agha, G. Pujolle Fair Time Sharing Protocol: a Solution for IEEE 802.11b Hot Spots, IFIP/IEEE ICT 2004, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Fortaleza, Brazil, August 2004.
- I. Fodil, V. Jardin, G. Pujolle Towards Hotspot Networks Management Using Policy Based Management Approach, IFIP WCC World Computer Congress, Kluwer publisher, Toulouse, France, August 2004.
- G. Pujolle, H. Chaouchi STP/SP the solution for the TCP/IP crisis in the emerging wireless technologies, IEEE PIMRC 2004, IEEE Press, Barcelona, September 2004.
- A. Munaretto, M. Fonseca, K. Al Agha, G. Pujolle Virtual Time Synchronization for Multimedia Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE VTC 2004-Fall, IEEE Press, Los Angeles, USA, September 2004.
- I. Fodil, V. Jardin, G. Pujolle RSM-WISP: Roaming and Service Management in hotspot networks through policy management architecture, IFIP/IEEE MWCN'2004, Kluwer publisher, Paris, France, Oct 2004.
- E. Erwan, A. Fladenmuller, G. Pujolle, A. Cotton On selecting nodes to improve estimated positions , IFIP-IEEE MWCN 2004, Kluwer publisher, Paris, October 2004.
- N. Bouabdallah, A. L. Beylot, G. Pujolle, Collision Avoidance in Metropolitan Optical Access Networks, IFIP Net'Con 2004, Kluwer publisher, Palma, Spain, October 2004.
- G. Pujolle, H. Chaouchi, D. Gaiti Goal Based Management, International Conference on Network Control, Net'Con 2004, Kluwer publisher, Palma, Spain, October 2004.
- K. Sethom, H. Afifi, G. Pujolle Wireless MPLS: A New Layer 2.5 Micro-mobility Scheme, IEEE Mobiwac 04, IEEE Digital Library, Philadelphie, October 2004.
- A. Issam, A. Nazim, G. Pujolle A Multi-Party Approach to SLA Modeling, Application to WLANs, IEEE CCNC, IEEE Digital Library, Las Vegas, January 2005.
- Service Enabled WDM Networks, Networking'2005, LNCS Springer: 419-430, Waterloo, Canada, May 2005.
- A. L. Beylot, N. Bouabdallah, G. Pujolle Efficient Bandwidth Sharing in Bus-Based Optical Access Networks, Networking 2005, LNCS Springer: 1231-1242, Waterloo, Canada, May 2005.
- W. Fawaz, F. Martignon, K. Chen, G. Pujolle , A novel protection scheme for quality of service aware WDM networks, IEEE-ICC'2005, IEEE Press: 1720-1725, May 2005.
- K. Sethom, H. Afifi, G. Pujolle A Distributed Architecture for Location Management in Next Generation Networks, IEEE WirelessCom 2005 Conference, IEEE Press, Hawaii, USA, June, 2005.
- M. Esseghir, N. Bouabdallah, G. Pujolle Sensor Placement for Maximizing Wireless Sensor Network Lifetim e , IEEE VTC, IEEE Digital Library, 2005.
- I. Aib, M. Sallé, C. Bartolini, A. Boulmakoul, G. Pujolle Framework for SLA and Business Driven Management of IT Systems Application to Utility Computing Environments, Networking 2005, LNCS Springer Verlag, May 2005.
- D. Gaiti, G. Pujolle, M. Salaun, H. Zimmermann Autonomous Network Equipments, WAC 2005, Springer LNCS, 2005.
- K. Sethom, H. Afifi, G. Pujolle, Secure and Seamless Mobility Support in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, Globecom'2005, IEEE press: 3403 3407, Saint Louis, Missouri, 2005
- T.-L. Nguyen, A. Jamalipour, G. Pujolle Middleware architecture for Service Creation in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE WiMob 2005, IEEE Press, Montréal, Canada, August 2005.
- K. Sethom, H. Afifi, G. Pujolle Virtual Interface Prototype for Mobile Communication, IEEE PIMRC, IEEE Press, Berlin, Germany, 2005.
- G. Pujolle The Architecture of the Future Wireless Internet, Technologies for Advanced Heterogeneous Networks, AINTEC'05, Springer Verlag LNCS: 157-167, December 2005.
- B. Daheb , W. Fawaz , K. Chen, G. Pujolle Policy-Based Service Provisioning Architecture for Hybrid Photonic Networks , INFOCOM'2006, Barcelona, Spain, April 2006
- P. Urien, G. Pujolle JavaCard for Emerging WLAN Environments, JavaOne 2007, San Francisco, May 2006.
- A. Capone, J. Elias , F. Martignon , G. Pujolle Dynamic Resource Allocation in Communication Network s , Networking 2006, Springer LNCS: 892-903, Coimbra, Portugal, May 2006.
- S. Lohier , Y. Ghamri Doudane, G. Pujolle MAC-layer Adaptation to Improve TCP Flow Performances in 802.11Wireless Networks, WiMob'2006, IEEE Xplore, Montréal, Canada, June 2006
- D. Cunha, O. Duarte, G. Pujolle Event-Driven Field Estimation for Wireless Sensor Networks, MWCN'06, Springer (publisher), August 2006.
- I. Aib, M. Sallé, C. Bartolini, A. Boulmakoul, R. Boutaba, G. Pujolle Business Aware Policy Based Management, NetCon'06, Springer, Santiago, 2006.
- S. Lohier, Y. Ghamri-Doudane, G. Pujolle Link Available Bandwidth Monitoring for QoS Routing with AODV in Ad Hoc Networks, MMNS'2006, Springer LNCS 4267: 37-48, 2006.
- B. Tebbani, I. Aib, G. Pujolle Towards SLA and Location-based Nomadism management, CoNext Conference, Springer LNCS, Lisbonne , Portugal, December 2006.
- V. Guyot, P. Urien, M. Bouet, D. De Oliveira Cunha, G. Pujolle, H. Chabanne, C. Pépin, P. Paradinas, E.Gressier and J-F Susini HIP-based RFID Networking Architecture, ICI 2007, IEEE Digital Library, Singapore, July 2007.
- K. Sethom, G. Pujolle A New Method to support in-home Mobile Devices supervision , 14th IEEE ICT'2007, IEEE Xplore, Malaisie , 2007 .
- K. Sethom, G. Pujolle SPIN: Enabling Secure And Pervasive Inter-Home Networking , IEEE PIMRC 2007, IEEE Digital Library, Athens, Greece , 2007 .
- M. Esseghir, G. Pujolle Wireless Sensor Nodes Dimensioning under Network Lifetime Constraint , IEEE VTC-2007 Fall, IEEE Xplore, Baltimore , 2007 .
- S. Khemiri, K. Boussetta, N. Achir, G. Pujolle Optimal call Admission Control for an IEEE802.16 Wireless Metropolitan , International Conference on Network Control and Optimization, LNCS 4465, Avignon, France , 2007 .
- T. Ali-Yahiya, K. Sethom, G. Pujolle A Case Study: IEEE 802.21 Framework Design for Service Continuity across WLAN and WMAN , IEEE WOCN 2007, IEEE Digital Library, Singapore , July 2007 .
- P. Urien, H. Chabanne, C. Pepin, M. Bouet, D. De O. Cunha, V. Guyot, G. Pujolle, P Paradinas, E. Gressier, J-F. Susini HIP-based RFID Networking Architecture , WOCN '07, Singapore, IEEE Digital Library , July 2007
- T. Ali-Yahiya and A-L. Beylot and G. Pujolle Service Flows Aware Radio Resource Allocation in IEEE 802.16e Networks , IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks (MWCN), LNCS-Springer : 61-65, Cork, Ireland , 2007.
- T. Ali-Yahiya and A-L. Beylot and G. Pujolle Radio Resource Allocation in Mobile Wimax Networks using Service Flows , IEEE-PIMRC, IEEE Digital Library , Athens, September 2007.
- E. Toktar, G. Pujolle, E. Jamhour, M. Camillo Penna, M. Fonseca An XML Model for SLA Definition with Key Indicators. IPOM 2007, LNCS Springer: 196-199, 2007
- R. Nabhen, E. Jamhour, M. Camillo Penna, M. Fonseca, G. Pujolle DiffServ PBAC Design with Optimization Method. IPOM 2007, LNCS Springer, 73-84, 2007.
- R. Nabhen, E. Jamhour, M. Camillo Penna, M. Fonseca, G. Pujolle Optimal DiffServ AC Design using Non-Linear Programming, 32nd Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, IEEE Xplore: 591-598, 2007.
- K. Sethom , N. Laga, G. Pujolle QoS Management in Autonomic Home Networks, IFIP/IEEE Home Networking 2007, Springer IFIP Series, Paris, France, December 2007.
- N. Aitsaadi, N. Achir, K. Boussetta, G. Pujolle A Tabu Search Approach for Differentiated Sensor Network Deployment, CCNC'2008, IEEE Xplore, Las Vegas, January 2008.
- T. Ali-Yahiya, T. Bullot, A.-L. Beylot, G. Pujolle, A Cross-Layer Based Autonomic Architecture for Mobility and QoS Supports in 4G Networks, CCNC'2008, IEEE Xplore, Las Vegas, January 2008.
- D. Cunha, O. Duarte, G. Pujolle An Enhanced Routing Metric for Fading Wireless Channels, WCNC'2008, IEEE Xplore, Las Vegas, March 2008.
- R. Tawil, O. Salazar, G. Pujolle A-Vertical Handoff Decision Scheme Using MADM for Wireless Networks, IEEE WCNC'2008, IEEE Xplore, Las Vegas, March 2008.
- T. Ali-Yahiya, A.-L. Beylot, G. Pujolle Cross-Layer Multiservice Scheduling for Mobile WiMAX Systems, WCNC'2008, IEEE Xplore, Las Vegas, March 2008.
- R. Tawil, J. Demerjian, G. Pujolle, O. Salazar Processing-delay reduction during the vertical handoff decision in heterogeneous wireless systems, AICCSA'2008, IEEE Xplore, Doha, Qatar, March 2008.
- B. Tebbani, I. Aib, G. Pujolle SLA-based dynamic resource management in wireless environments, AICCSA'2008, IEEE XPlore, Doha, Qatar, March 2008.
- G. Sawma , I. Aib , G. Pujolle ALBA: An Autonomic Load Balancing Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks, IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2008, IEEE Xplore, Salvador, Brazil, April 2008.
- D. Macedo, L. Santos Aldri, G. Pujolle MANKOP: A Knowledge Plane for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2008, IEEE Xplore, Salvador, Brazil, April 2008.
- M. N. Lima, G. Pujolle, H. W. da Silva, A. L. dos Santos Survival multipath routing for MANETs . IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2008, IEEE Xplore: 425-432, Salvador, Brazil, April 2008.
- N Aitsaadi, N Achir, K Boussetta, G Pujolle Heuristic Deployment to Achieve Both Differentiated Detection and Connectivity in WSN, VTC Spring 2008. IEEE Xplore, pp123-127, Singapore, May 2008.
- R Tawil, G Pujolle, O Salazar A Vertical Handoff Decision Scheme in Heterogeneous Wireless Systems, VTC Spring 2008, IEEE Xplore: 2626-2630, Singapore, May 2008.
- M. Kassar, B. Kervella and G. Pujolle Autonomic-oriented Architecture for an Intelligent Handover Management Scheme, CNSR'2008, IEEE Xplore: 139-146, Halifax, Canada, May, 2008.
- K. Sethom, N. Laga, G. Pujolle QoS Management in Autonomic Home Networks, Networking'2008, LNCS Springer, May 2008.
- M. Bouet, G. Pujolle 3-D Localization Schemes of RFID Tags with Static and Mobile Readers, Networking'2008, Springer LNCS: 112-123, May 2008.
- R. Tawil, G. Pujolle, J. Demerjian Distributed Handoff Decision Scheme using MIH Function for the Fourth Generation Wireless Networks, ICT'2008, IEEE Xplore, June 2008.
- G. Sawma, K. Barbar, G. Pujolle A Load Distribution Mechanism for Wireless Local Area Networks, ICT'2008, IEEE Xplore, June 2008.
- F. Didi, M. Feham, H. Labiod, G. Pujolle Dynamic Admission Control Algorithm for WLANs 802.11, ICT'2008, IEEE Xplore, June 2008.
- M. N. Lima, H. W. da Silva, A. L. dos Santos, G. Pujolle Requirements for survivable routing in MANETs, ISWPC'2008, IEEE Xplore, 2008.
- T. Ali-Yahiya, A.-L. Beylot, G. Pujolle Channel Aware Scheduling for Multiple Service Flows in OFDMA Based Mobile WiMAX Systems, VTC Fall 2008, IEEE Xplore: 1-5, 2008.
- G. Sawma, I Aib, K. Barbar, G. Pujolle A Recursive Load Balancing technique for VoIP-dedicated WLANs, Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA'2008. IEEE Xplore, 2008.
- C. D. Kropiwiec, E. Jamhour, M. C. Penna, G. Pujolle Multi-constraint Security Policies for Delegated Firewall Administration, DSOM'2008, LNCS: 123-135, September 2008.
- B. Tebbani, K. Haddadou, G. Pujolle Session-Based QoS Management Architecture for Wireless Local Area Networks, IPOM'2008, LNCS: 117-126, September 2008.
- D. F. Macedo, A. L. dos Santos, J. M. Nogueira, G. Pujolle A Knowledge Plane for Autonomic Context-Aware Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. MMNS'2008, LNCS: 1-13, September 2008.
- R. Ben-El-Kezadri, F. Kamoun, G. Pujolle XAV: a fast and flexible tracing framework for network simulation, MSWiM'2008 IEEE Xplore: 47-53, 2008.
- M. N. Lima, E. Silva, L. Albini, A. dos Santos, G. Pujolle An Architecture for Survivable Mesh Networking. IEEE Globecom 2008 , IEEE Xplore, New Orleans, USA, December 2008.
- E. Gelenbe, G. Pujolle Approximation to a single queue in a network, Acta Informatica 7: 123-136 , 1976.
- J. Labetoulle, G. Pujolle A study of queueing networks with deterministic service and applications to computer networks, Acta Informatica 7: 183-195 , 1976.
- G. Fayolle., E. Gelenbe, G. Pujolle An analytic evaluation of the performance of the send and wait protocol, IEEE Trans. on Comm. 23(3): 313-320 , 1978.
- E. Gelenbe, J. Labetoulle, G. Pujolle Performance evaluation of the protocol HDLC, Computer Networks 2: 409-415 , 1978.
- F. Charlot, G. Pujolle Recurrence in single server queues with impatient customers, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, section B(Probabilité) 14(4): 399-410 , 1978.
- G. Pujolle The influence of protocols on the stability conditions in packet-switching networks, IEEE Trans. on Comm. 27(3): 611-619 , 1979.
- P. Caseau, G. Pujolle Markovian models applied to computer systems stability conditions, IEEE Trans. Soft. Eng. 5(6) 631-642 , 1979.
- J. Labetoulle, G. Pujolle Isolation method in a network of queues, IEEE Trans. Soft. Eng. 6(4): 373-381 , 1980.
- M. Irland, G. Pujolle Comparison of two packet-retransmission techniques, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory 26(1): 92-97 , 1980.
- A. Kurinckx, G. Pujolle Overallocation in a virtual circuit computer network, Performance Evaluation Review 9(2): 153-158 , 1980.
- J. Labetoulle, G. Pujolle, C. Soula Distribution of the flows in a general Jackson Network, Mathematics of Operations Research 6(2): 173-185 , 1981.
- J. Labetoulle, G. Pujolle A study of flows through virtual circuits computer networks, Computer Networks 5(2): 119-126 , 1981.
- G. Pujolle, O. Spaniol Modelling and evaluation of several internal network services, Performance Evaluation 1(3): 212-224 , 1981.
- J. Labetoulle, G. Pujolle HDLC throughput and response time for bi-directional data flow with non-uniform frame sizes, IEEE Trans on Computers 30(6): 405-413 , 1981.
- G. Pujolle Performance of a synchronizing technique in a distributed system, Computer Performance Journal 3(4): 201-209 , 1982.
- D. Seret, G. Pujolle Satellite channels for distributed data systems, Computer Performance 5(3) , 1984.
- M. Bechtold, G. Pujolle, O. Spaniol Throughput of a satellite channel communication, Acta Informatica 22(1): 1-14 , 1985.
- S. Fdida, D. Mailles, G. Pujolle Queueing systems with resource sharing, J. Systems and Software 6(1-2): 23-29 , 1986.
- G. Pujolle, H. Perros Multichannel resource sharing systems, Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej I Stosowanej 2(1-2): 79-90 , 1990.
- R. Puigjaner, G. Pujolle Guest Editorial, Performance Evaluation 12(3): 145 , June 1991.
- T. Atmaca, G. Pujolle, F. Sha Performance Analysis of an access control strategy in integrated networks, Computer Networks and ISDN systems 24(5): 421-434 , 1992.
- G. Pujolle, O. Spaniol Preface, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 24(2): 107-108 , April 1992.
- D. Gaïti and G. Pujolle An intelligent IN, ACM International Journal of Network Management 4(1) , 1993.
- C. Fayet, A. Jacques, G. Pujolle High Speed Switching for ATM: The BSS, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 26(9) 1225-1234 , 1994.
- R.O. Onvural, H.G. Perros, G. Pujolle A bibliography of ATM related papers, Annals of Operations Research 49, pp 347-371 , March 1994.
- N. Harnpanichpun, G. Pujolle Product Form Discrete-Time Queues in series with Batch Transition: Late Arrival Case, Performance Evaluation, 21(3): 261-269 , 1995.
- M. Lemercier, G. Pujolle Design and architecture of a new space priority mechanism for ATM network nodes, Telecommunication Systems 3(1): 1-17 , 1995.
- D. Gaïti, G. Pujolle Performance Management Issues in ATM Networks: Traffic and Congestion Control, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 4(2): 249-257 , April 1996.
- G. Omidyar, G. Pujolle, New traffic control issues in ATM networks, IEEE Com. Mag 34(11): 30-32 , November 1996.
- C. Fayet, D. Present, G. Pujolle An optimal solution for ATM switches, Computer Networks & ISDN Systems 29(6): 2039-2052 , June 1998 .
- R. Boutaba, J. Kalvenes, G. Pujolle Resource Control Schemes, ACM MONET Journal 4(2): 83-86 , 1999.
- A.-L. Beylot, S. Boumerdassi, G. Pujolle NACR: A New Adaptive Channel Reservation in Cellular Communications Systems , Telecommunication Systems 17(1-2): 233-241 , 2001 .
- K. Al Agha, G. Pujolle, D. Zeghlache VCB: an Efficient Resource Sharing Scheme for Cellular Mobile Systems, Telecommunication Systems Journal 19(1): 101110 , January 2002.
- T.M.T. Nguyen, N. Boukhatem, Y. Ghamri Doudane, G. Pujolle COPS-SLS: A Service Level Negotiation Protocol for Internet, IEEE Communication Magazine 40(5): 158-165 , May 2002.
- M. Dias-de-Amorim , O. Duarte, G . Pujolle User's Satisfaction in Adaptive Multicast Video, Journal of Telecommunication and Networks 4(3): 221-229 , 2002 .
- G. Fiche, G. Pujolle The Intermip project: A project for the traffic engineering and evaluation of multimedia IP networks, Global Communications Newsletter, IEEE Communication Magazine 40(4): 158-165 , May 2002.
- T. Chahed, G. Hebuterne, G. Pujolle Mapping of Performance Metrics between IP and ATM, Computer Networks 39(4): 425-438 , July 2002.
- M. Dias-de-Amorim , O. Duarte, G. Pujolle Improving User Satisfaction in Adaptive Multicast Video, IEEE/KICS Journal on Communications and Networks 4(3): 221-229 , September 2002.
- G. Fiche, G. Pujolle Intermip Project Results, Global Communications Newsletter, IEEE Communications Magazine 41(1): 3-4 , January 2003.
- H. Afifi, G. Pujolle , D. Zeghlache UMTS and Public WLAN in France: Did the competition start?, Global Communications Newsletter, IEEE Communications Magazine 41(2): 2-3 , February 2003.
- L. Boukhatem, A.L. Beylot, D. Gaïti, and G. Pujolle TCRA: A Time-based Channel Reservation Scheme for Handover requests in LEO satellite Systems, International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking 21(3): 227-240, April 2003.
- L. Boukhatem, D. Gaïti, and G. Pujolle A time-based reservation scheme for managing handovers in satellite systems, ACM International Journal of Network Management 13(2): 139-145 , March 2003.
- G. Pujolle, U. Körner, H. Perros Scalability Issue in Policy-based Management, ACM International Journal of Network Management 13(3): 181-183 , May 2003.
- T.M.T. Nguyen, N. Boukhatem, G.Pujolle COPS-SLS usage for dynamic policy-based QoS management over heterogeneous IP networks, IEEE Network 17(3): 44-50 , May 2003.
- S.-M. Senouci, G. Pujolle New Channel Assignments in Cellular Networks: A reinforcement Learning Solution, Asian Journal of Information Technology, AJIT 2(3): 135-149 , July 2003.
- L. Boukhatem, A.L. Beylot, D. Gaïti, G. Pujolle Channel Allocation with and without handover queueing in LEO satellite systems based on earth-Fixed Cell Coverage, IEICE Transactions On Communications, E86-B(7) , July 2003.
- M. Dias-de-Amorim, O. Duarte, G. Pujolle Distinguishing Video Quality through Differential Matrices, ACM Multimedia Systems Journal 9(1): 94-103 , July 2003.
- M. G. Rubinstein, O. Duarte, G. Pujolle Scalability of a mobile agents based network management application, IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks 5(3): 240-248 , September 2003.
- F. Vasilis, A. A. Jahan, H. Aghwami, H. Chaouchi , G. Pujolle QoS Challenges in All IP Based Core and Synergetic Wireless Access Networks, IEC Annual Review on Communications 56 , November 2003.
- G. Pujolle Policy-based Management, Annals of Telecommunications 59(1-2): 36-43 , January 2004.
- W. Fawaz, B. Daheb, O. Audouin, B. Berde, M. Vigoureux, M. Du-Pond, G. Pujolle Service LeveL Agreement and Provisioning in Optical Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine 42(1): 36-43 , January 2004.
- S.M. Senouci , A.L. Beylot, G. Pujolle Call Admission Control in Cellular Networks: A Reinforcement Learning Solution, ACM International Journal on Network Management 14(2): 89-103 , March 2004.
- M. Fonseca, N. Agoulmine, Y. Ghamri-Doudane, N. Achir, G. Pujolle, A new architecture to control DiffServ networks based on active networks technology and policies, Annals of Telecommunications, 59(5-6): 565-589 , April 2004.
- G. Pujolle, Ad hoc Networking, ACM Journal on Wireless Networks (WINET) 10(4): 77-87 , July 2004.
- A. Ahmad, G. Bianchi, L. Bernstein, G. Fodor, G. Pujolle, L. Bu Sung, Y-D. Yao , QoS support and service differentiation in wireless networks, International Journal of Communication Systems 17(6): 507-512 , August 2004.
- N. Bouabdallah,, E. Dotaro, G. Pujolle Distributed Aggregation in All-Optical Wavelength Routed Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine 42(11): 12-18 , November 2004.
- H. Chaouchi, G. Pujolle MCOPS: New Handover Control framework in current and future wireless networks, IEICE Transaction Journal on Communication 87(9) , December 2004.
- P. Gonçalves, J. Rezende, O. Duarte, G. Pujolle Improving Feedback Merging for Source-Adaptive Layered Multicast Schemes, Cluster Computing Journal 8(1): 77-88 , March 2005.
- A. Hecker, H. Labiod, G. Pujolle, H. Afifi, A. Serhrouchni, P. Urien A New Access Control Solution for a Multi-Provider Wireless Environment, Telecommunication Systems 29 (2): 131-152 , 2005.
- S-M. Senouci, G. Pujolle Minimisation de la consommation d'énergie dans les réseaux ad hoc, Annals of Telecommunications 60(3-4): 500-518 , March 2005.
- I. Fodil, G. Pujolle Roaming and service management in public wireless networks using an innovative policy management arc hitecture, ACM International Journal on Network Management 15(2): 103-121 , March 2005.
- N. Bouabdallah, G. Pujolle Optical Resources Provisioning: Multipoint-to-Point Lightpaths Mapping in All-Optical Networks, ACM International Journal on Network Management 15(3): 203-212 , May 2005.
- N. Bouabdallah, G. Pujolle Optical Resources Provisioning: Multipoint-to-Point Lightpaths Mapping in All-Optical Networks, ACM International Journal on Network Management 15(3): 203-212 , June 2005.
- O. Duarte, G. Pujolle Sensor networks, Annals of Telecommunications 60(7-8): 798-805 , 2005.
- G. Pujolle, H. Chaouchi Autonomic-oriented architecture for sensor networks, Annals of Telecommunications 60(7): 819-831 , 2005.
- N. Bouabdallah, A. L. Beylot, E. Dotaro, G. Pujolle Resolving the Fairness Issues in Bus-Based Optical Access Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (IEEE JSAC) 23(8): 1444-1457 , August 2005.
- M. Du-Pond, O. Audouin, B. Berde, B. Daheb, W. Fawaz, G. Pujolle, M. Vigoureux Service Level Agreement in optical networks, Annals of Telecommunications 60(9-10): 1268-1280 , 2005
- C. Bettstetter, F. H. P. Fitzek, N. Jernes, H. Hartenstein, G. Pujolle, P. Santi Self-organization in mobile networking, European Transactions on Telecommunications 16(5,) October 2005.
- N. Limam, J. Rotrou, M. Loutrel, L. Ouakil, H. Saleh, and G. Pujolle Service Management in Secure and QoS-aware Wireless Enterprise Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(10): 19501962 , October 2005.
- T.-L. Nguyen, L. Ouakil, G. Pujolle, A. Jamalipour MAN@RCHISES-New added-services management architecture in automatic networking, ACM International Journal on Network Management 16(1): 45-57 , 2006.
- H. G. Perros, G. Pujolle Next Generation Networks Architectures, Protocols, Performance , Telecommunication Systems 31(2-3): 111-113 , March 2006.
- G. Pujolle, H. Chaouchi, D. Gaïti, A global architecture for the Wi-family, Telecommunication Systems Journal 31(1): 163-173 , 2006.
- T.-L. Nguyen, A. Jamalipour, F. Krief, G. Pujolle MAN@RCHISES-Automatic network-based Application Architecture for creating New Valued-Added Services, Int'l J. of Business Data Communications and networking 2(1): 45-57 , 2006.
- N. Bouabdallah, A.-L. Beylot, G. Pujolle Efficient Bandwidth Sharing and Fair Access in Single-Hub WDM Rings, Computer Network Journal 50(2): 237-250 , 2006.
- K. Sethom, H. Afifi, G. Pujolle A distributed and secured architecture to enhance smooth handoffs in wide area wireless IP infrastructures, ACM SIGMOBILE Review, 10(3): 46-57 , 2006.
- M. Fonseca, N. Agoulmine, Y. Doudane, N. Achir, G. Pujolle Une nouvelle architecture de contrôle de réseaux DiffServ basée sur la technologie réseau actif et les politiques, Annals of Telecommunications, 59, (5-6): 565-589 , 2006.
- W. Fawaz, F. Martignon, K. Chen, G. Pujolle A novel fault management approach for DWDM optical networks, Int. J. Network Mgmt 16(5): 337-349 , 2006.
- K. Sethom, O. Hamza, H. Afifi, G. Pujolle Conception d'une solution de sélection de passerelles Internet dans les réseaux ad hoc , Annals of Telecommunications 61(11): 1282-1299 , 2006.
- J. Elias, F. Martignon, A. Capone, G. Pujolle Distributed Algorithms for Dynamic Bandwidth Provisioning in Communication Networks, JCM 1 (7): 47-56 , 2006.
- S. Lohier, Y. Ghamri-Doudane, G Pujolle: Cross-layer loss differentiation algorithms to improve TCP performance in WLANs. Telecommunication Systems 36(1-3): 61-72 , 2007.
- J. Elias, F. Martignon, A. Capone, G. Pujolle A new approach to dynamic bandwidth allocation in Quality of Service networks: Performance and bounds, Computer Networks 51(10): 2833-2853 , 2007.
- W. Fawaz, K. Chen, G. Pujolle Priority-enabled Optical Shared Protection: An Online Efficiency Evaluation Study, Computer Communications, 30(18), 36903697 , 2007.
- B Tebbani, I Aib, G Pujolle SLA-based dynamic resource management in wireless environments: an enterprise nomadism use case, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT) 3 (1): 13-21 , January 2008.
- P. Urien, G. Pujolle Security and privacy for the next wireless generation , International Journal of Network Management 18 (2): 129-145 , March 2008.
- U. Körner, G. Pujolle Editorial: protocols and control schemes in the NGN, International Journal of Network Management 18 (2): 77 , March 2008.
- T. Ali Yahiya, K. Sethom, G. Pujolle, A.-L. Beylot, A cross-layering based autonomic approach for QoS support in heterogeneous wireless networks, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 1 (3): 312 329 , 2008
- S. Lohier, Y. Ghamri-Doudane, G. Pujolle, Cross-layer design to improve elastic traffic performance in WLANs, Int . Journal of Network Management 18(3): 251-277 , 2008 .
- N. Bouabdallah, G. Pujolle, H. Perros, Multipoint-to-point lightpaths in all-optical networks: Dimensioning and cost analysis, Performance Evaluation Journal. 65(3-4): 262-285, 2008 .
- F. Yin, G. Pujolle Performance Optimization for Delay-tolerant and Contention-based Application in IEEE 802.16, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2008 (6): 543-557 , July 2008
- M Kassar, B Kervella, G Pujolle An overview of vertical handover decision strategies in heterogeneous wireless networks, Computer Communications 31 (10) , 2607-2620 , 2008 .
- T. Ali Yahiya, and G. Pujolle An Adaptive Cross-Layer Design for Multiservice Scheduling in OFDMA Based Mobile WiMAX Systems, Computer Communication 31 (12) , December, 2008.
- M. Kassar, B. Kervella, and G. Pujolle An Overview of Vertical Handover Decision Strategies in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks , Computer Communications 31(12) , December 2008.
- T. Bullot, D. Gaiti, G. Pujolle, H. Zimmermann A Piloting Plane For Controlling Wireless Devices » , Telecommunication Systems 39(3-4), pp. 195-203, December 2008.
- T. Ali-Yahiya, A.-L. Beylot, G. Pujolle, An adaptive cross-layer design for multiservice scheduling in OFDMA based mobile WiMAX systems, Computer Communications , January 2009. (To appear).
- V. Freiderikos, D. Gaïti, R. Insler, P. Jaffré, A. Kortebi, S. Meyer, L. Molinier, G. Pujolle, H. Zimmermann, Piloting Home Network with Intelligent Agents, IEEE VT Magazine , (To appear).
- A Survey of Survivability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Michele N. Lima, Aldri L. Santos, Guy Pujolle. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials , 2009. (To appear).
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FINGER Ulrich, Thèse ENST - 22 mai 1980 (Directeur de Eurecom)
GONZALEZ-RUBIO SANDOVAL Ruben, Thèse ENST - 1981 (Professeur, Université du Québec, Canada)
HEBUTERNE Gérard, Thèse de 3ème cycle - 26 mai 1981 (Directeur du Département Réseau, INT)
HORLAIT Eric, Thèse de 3ème cycle - 13 novembre 1981 (Professeur, Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
SHA Fei, Thèse de 3ème cycle - 17 décembre 1981 (Professeur, Université des Postes et Telecom de Pékin)
CAMACHO Ruben, Thèse de 3ème cycle - 4 décembre 1981 (Ingénieur au Mexique)
DINH Van Toan, Thèse d'Etat - 17 mars 1982 (Ingénieur IBM, à la retraite)
DELEBARRE Véronique, Thèse de Docteur-ingénieur - 15 octobre 1982 (Directeur, CS SI)
BEN YAHIA Khaled, Thèse ENST - 5 novembre 1982 (Professeur, Tunisie)
ZENIE Alexandre, Thèse de 3ème cycle - 17 janvier 1983 (Chercheur CEE, Ispra, Italie)
HERNANDEZ Jean Alain, Thèse de Docteur Ingénieur - 23 juin 1983 (Direction, ENST)
WU Ai, Thèse de 3ème cycle - 23 juin 1983 (responsable programme européen, CEE, Bruxelles)
CLAUDE Jean Pierre, Thèse de 3ème cycle - 16 décembre 1983 (Professeur, Université de Versailles)
FDIDA Serge, Thèse de 3ème cycle - 2 mars 1984 (Professeur, Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
GUEBO Antoine, Thèse de 3ème cycle - 19 décembre 1984 (Ministère des Telecom, Gabon)
CHANG Yen, Thèse de 3ème cycle - 28 mai 1985 (Ingénieur Bull, Chine)
KOSITPAIBOON Rungroj, Thèse de docteur-ingénieur - 18 juin 1985 (Professeur, Université de la Mancha, Espagne)
THANG Wei Ying, Thèse de 3ème cycle - 1 juillet 1985 (Chercheur, Centre de recherche EDF, Clamart)
DUARTE Otto, Thèse de Docteur Ingénieur - 8 juillet 1985 (Professeur, Université Fédérale de Rio de Janeiro)
HUITEMA Christian, Thèse d'Etat - 18 octobre 1985 (Directeur technique, Microsoft)
LANGLOIS Sylvain, Thèse de 3ème cycle 18 novembre 1985 (Ingénieur, EDF)
SERET Dominique, Thèse d'Etat - 13 décembre 1985 (Professeur, Université Paris V)
SCHWARTZ Marlène, Thèse de 3ème cycle - 31 janvier 1986 (Ingénieur CAP SESA Télécom)
SEGOND Luis, Doctorat de l'Université - 21 octobre 1986 (Chef de division SERPRO, Brésil)
GHERNAOUTI Solange, Thèse de 3ème cycle - 13 novembre 1986 (Professeur, Université de Lausanne, Suisse)
ZARKA Nathalie, Thèse de Docteur Ingénieur - 15 décembre 1986 (Professeur, École d'Ingénieur de Marseilles)
SOTO SUMUANO Jesus, Docteur Ingénieur - 18 décembre 1986 (Ingénieur au Mexique)
NAIN Philippe, Doctorat d'Etat - 22 janvier 1987 (Ingénieur de Recherche, INRIA)
HORLAIT Eric, Doctorat d'Etat - 27 Mai 1987 (Professeur, Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
FERREIRA Paulo, Doctorat de l'université -27 Mai 1987 (Président de Proderj, Brésil)
NGUYEN THUC Hai, Doctorat de l'université - 9 Juin 1987 (Professeur, Doyen, Université de Hanoï, Vietnam)
OROZCO-BARBOSA Luis, Doctorat de l'Université - 17 Septembre 1987 (Professeur, Université Ottawa, Canada)
CLAUDE Jean Pierre, Doctorat d'Etat - 24 Septembre 1987 (Professeur, Université de Versailles)
VAN ISAKER - MAILLES Danielle, Doctorat d'Etat - 24 Septembre 1987 (Professeur, Université Paris IX)
GONZALEZ-RUBIO SANDOVAL Ruben, Doctorat d'Etat - 26 Octobre 1987 (Professeur, Université du Quebec, Canada)
ROBERTS James, Doctorat de l'Université - 10 Novembre 1987 (Ingénieur de recherche, Orange Labs)
LOUIS Christophe, Doctorat de l'Université - 31 mai 1988 (Ingénieur carte à puce)
BENKIRAN Mohamed, Amine Doctorat d'Etat - 23 septembre 1988 (Professeur, Ecole Mohamedia, Rabat, Maroc)
VEQUE Véronique, Doctorat de l'Université - 19 décembre 1988 (Professeur, Université d'Orsay)
GERVAIS Marie Pierre, Doctorat de l'Université - 26 janvier 1989 (Professeur, Université Paris 10)
BOUNEMRA Karima, Doctorat de l'Université - 21 avril 1989 ( UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Addis Ababa )
SIMONI Noëmi, Doctorat de l'Université - 14 septembre 1989 (Professeur, ENST)
FDIDA Serge, Habilitation - 19 octobre 1989 (Professeur, Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
DUVAL Patrick, Doctorat de l'Université - 14 novembre 1989 (Professeur Associé, Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci)
CLAUDE Michelle, Doctorat de l'Université - 16 février 1990 (Maître de Conférence, Université de Versailles)
ROSENBERG Martin, Doctorat de l'Université - 12 mars 1990 (Ingénieur AT&T, USA)
THAI Kim Doctorat, de l'Université - 16 mars 1990 (Maître de Conférence, Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
SERHOUCHNI Amhed, Doctorat de l'Université - 20 novembre 1990 (Maître de Conférence, ENST)
QUEIROZ Jean Alain, Doctorat de l'Université - 29 novembre 1990 (Professeur, Université Recife, Brésil)
RAZAVIZADEH Ghavameddin Doctorat de l'Université - 26 mars 1991 (Professeur, Université de Téhéran, Iran)
W aythayakul Kamthon, Doctorat de l'Université - 15 mai 1991 (Directeur de la recherche à la TOT, Taïlande)
BAYNAT Bruno, Doctorat de l'Université - 11 juin 1991 (Maître de Conférence, Université Paris 6)
GAÏTI Dominique, Doctorat de l'Université - 19 décembre 1991 (Professeur, Université Technologique de Troyes)
AGOULMINE Nazim, Doctorat de l'Université- 1992 (Professeur, Université d'Evry)
D e Oliveira Penna Neto M anoël, Doctorat Université Pierre et Marie Curie -16 juin 1992 (Professeur, Université PUC-PR, Curitiba, Brésil)
FAYET Nicole, Doctorat Université Pierre et Marie Curie - 23 janvier 1992 (Professeur, INT)
OLIVEIRA Mauro, Doctorat Université Pierre et Marie Curie - juin 1993 (Professeur, Université Technologique de Fortaleza, Brésil)
KWON Hieog-In, Doctorat Université Pierre et Marie Curie - octobre 1993 (Maître de Conférence, Séoul, Corée)
TUBTIANG Arnon, Doctorat Université Pierre et Marie Curie - octobre 1993 (Directeur TOT, Taïlande)
ABDERRAHMAN Ramhan, Doctorat Université Pierre et Marie Curie - décembre 1993 (Professeur, Damas)
BOUTABA Raouf, Doctorat Université Pierre et Marie Curie - 1 mars 1994.(Professeur, University of Waterloo, Canada)
Harnpanichpun Nirhun, Doctorat Université Pierre et Marie Curie - 24 mai 1994.(Chercheur TOT, Taïlande)
YANG Yiping, Doctorat Université Pierre et Marie Curie - 21 novembre 1994 (Ingénieur, Pékin, Chine)
LEMERCIER Marc, Doctorat Université Pierre et Marie Curie - 6 janvier 1995 (Maître de Conférence, UTT, Troyes)
JIANG Shengming, Doctorat Versailles-St-Quentin - 14 janvier 1995 (Professor, University of Hong-Kong)
Hussien Ahmed, Doctorat de l'Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - juin 1995, (Professeur, Addis-Abeba, Ethiopie)
DOREL Jean-Luc, Doctorat de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie - 8 décembre 1995 (Ingénieur, CISCO)
BENLAKSIRA Abdelmadjid, Doctorat de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie - 10 janvier 1996 (Ingénieur de recherche, Télécom Algérie)
SOUKOUTI Nader, Doctorat de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie - 17 janvier 1996 (Professeur, ESIGELEC)
CHEN Ken, Habilitation à diriger des Recherches de l'Université de Versailles - juin 1996 (Professeur, Université Paris-Nord)
CHANG Ty, Doctorat de l'Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 3 octobre 1996 (Ingénieur, France Télécom)
QUN Teng, Doctorat de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie - 6 décembre 1996 (Microsoft, Seattles)
TABBANE Sami, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l'Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 7 février 1997 (Professeur Sup'Com, Tunis)
HUA Thierry, Doctorat de l'Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 26 mars 1997 (Ingénieur Alcatel)
MEHAOUA Ahmed, Doctorat de l'Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 28 novembre 1997 (Professeur, Université Paris V)
ZNATY Simon Habilitation Université de Versailles-St-Quentin 12 novembre 1997 (Professeur ENST Bretagne)
FAYET Caroline, Habilitation Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 11 décembre 1997 (Professeur, INT)
GARA Slim, Doctorat de l'Université de Versailles-St-Quentin -14 janvier 1998 (Ingénieur, CS)
BOUKHATEM Nadia, Doctorat de l'Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 16 janvier 1998 (Maître de Conférence, ENST)
MUHLETALER Paul, Habilitation Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 2 juillet 1998 (Directeur de recherche, INRIA)
JACQUET Philippe, Habilitation Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 2 juillet 1998 (Chef de projet, Directeur de recherche, INRIA)
CALIN Doru, Doctorat de l'Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 7 juillet 1998 (Maître de conférence, INT).
MINET Pascale, Habilitation Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - novembre 1998 (Directeur de recherche, INRIA)
AL AGHA Khaldoum, Doctorat de l'Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 26 octobre 1998 (Professeur, Université Paris-Sud XI)
LABIOD Houda, Doctorat de l'Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - novembre 1998 (Maître de Conférences, ENST)
AGOULMINE Nazim, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l'Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 1 décembre 1998 (Professeur, Université de d'Evry)
BOUMERDASSI Selma, Doctorat de l'Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 18 décembre 1998 (MC, CNAM)
GANIERE Maurice , Habilitation Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 3 juin 1999 (Professeur, ENST).
ARAUJO RIBEIRO Joao, Doctorat Versailles-St-Quentin -5 juillet 1999 (Professeur Université de l'état de Rio de Janeiro).
BEYLOT André-Luc, Habilitation Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 11 janvier 2000 (Professeur ENSEEITH, Toulouse)
URIEN Pascal, Habilitation Université de Versailles-St-Quentin - 24 janvier 2000 (Professeur, ENST)
GEROUI Mourad, Doctorat Versailles-st-Quentin 17 novembre 2000 (Maître de Conférence, Université de Versailles).
TOHME Samir, Habilitation Université Pierre et Marie Curie 18 décembre 2000 (Professeur, Université de Versailles)
ZEGHLACHE Djamel, Habilitation UPMC 9 février 2001 (Professeur, INT).
DIAZ de AMORIN Marcelo, Thèse Versailles St-Quentin 15 juin 2001 (Chargé de Recherche CNRS, LIP6).
BOUKHATEM L ila, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC décembre 2001 (Maître de Conférence, Université de Paris-Sud XI).
LORENZ Pascal, Habilitation Université Pierre et Marie Curie 4 janvier 2002 (Professeur, IUT de Colmar)
BEN SLIMANE Fatem, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 8 janvier 2002 (Maître de Conférences SupCom, Tunis, Tunisie).
AL AGHA Khaldoun, Habilitation Université Pierre et Marie Curie 3 octobre 2002, (Professeur, Université Paris-Sud XI)
BOUSSETTA Khaled, Thèse Versailles St-Quentin, mars 2003, (Maître de Conférence, Université Paris Nord).
VIVIER Guillaume, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 9 juillet 2003, (Chercheur, Motorola).
ACHIR Nadjib , Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 9 octobre 2003, (Maître de Conférence, Université Paris Nord).
SENOUCI Sidi Mohammed, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 9 octobre 2003, (Chercheur, Orange Labs).
GHAMRI DOUDANE Yacine, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 26 novembre 2003, (Maître de Conférence, IIE).
NGUYEN Thi Mai Trang, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 10 décembre 2003, (Maître de Conférence, Université Paris 6).
ERMEL Erwan, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 21 juin 2004, (Ingénieur de Recherche, Thales).
DA-SILVA-GONCALVES Paulo-Andre, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 25 juin 2004, (Professeur, Université de Recife).
MUNARETTO Anelise, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 8 juillet 2004, (Professeur, Université Fédéral du Paraná, Curitiba, Brésil).
CHAOUCHI Hakima, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 25 octobre 2004, (Maître de Conférence, INT).
BOUABDALLAH Nizar, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 10 décembre 2004, (Chercheur INRIA Rennes).
CORRE Olivier, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 20 décembre 2004, (ingénieur Bouygues).
FODIL Idir, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 21 décembre 2004, (ingénieur Orange Labs).
CHAHED Tijani, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches 12 juillet 2005, (MC, Telecom SudParis)
GUYOT Vincent, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC octobre 2005, (Enseignant Chercheur, ESIEA).
DAHEB Belkacem, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 21 novembre 2005, (Ingénieur Atos Origin).
FAWAZ Wassim, Co-encadrement, Thèse de Doctorat de l'Université Paris Nord 23 novembre 2005, (Professeur Université Américaine, Beyrouth).
LOHIER Stéphane, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 19 juin 2006, (MC Université Marnes-la-Vallée).
ELIAS Jocelyne, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 3 juillet 2006, (Assistant Professor, Milan, Italie).
CRESPI Noël, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 11 septembre 2006, (Maître de Conférence INT).
SETHOM Kaouthar, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 30/11/2006, (Professeur SupCom, Tunisie).
OUAKIL Laurent, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 20 décembre 2006, (Ingénieur, société de service).
AIB Issam, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC, 11/07/2007, (Post doc à l'Université de Waterloo, Canada).
HADDADOU Kamel, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 07/09/2007, (Post doc Université Paris 6).
LIMAM Noura, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 07/09/2007, (Post doc à l'Université de Waterloo, Canada).
ESSEGIR Moez, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 11/12/2007, (Maitre de Conférence UTT, Troyes).
BEN EL KEZADRI Ryad, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 14/12/2007, (Post doc UCLA).
MATHIEU Bertrand, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 06/02/2008, (Ingénieur de recherche Orange Labs)
CUNHA Daniel, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 06/02/2008, (Post doc Orange Labs).
Braconnot Velloso Pedro, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 18/07/2007, (Post doc Université Paris 6).
ALI-YAHIYA Tara, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 08/10/2008, (Post doc Telecom SudParis).
ROTROU Julien, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 28/11/2008, (Directeur R&D Ucopia).
GHAMRI DOUDANE Samir, Thèse de Doctorat UPMC 10/12/2008, (Post doc Université Paris 6).
BOUKHATEM Nadia, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches 12/12/2008 ; (MC à Télécom ParisTech).
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