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2ndWorkshopCFPCall For Papers: 2nd CoreGRID Workshop on GRID and Peer to Peer Systems ArchitectureLIAFA, Université Paris 7, Paris, France 16-17 January 2006 Submission of PapersPapers are solicited that address major issues in Grid and Peer-to-Peer Systems Architecture from both members of CoreGRID and external institutions. Papers can be submitted in MS Word, Adobe pdf or Postscript formats and are limited to 16 pages in length. Selected publications will be published in Springer CoreGRID series. Presentations will be 20 minutes long. Each research group of the Virtual Institute on System Architecture must submit a paper. The contributions of these groups will form the deliverable D.SA.02 in form of proceedings. Submissions from other CoreGRID partners and from external institutions are highly encouraged. Important datesAll papers should be sent to the following email address: by the 1st of January 2006. Topics of InterestThe major topics of interests are indicated by the WP4 Roadmap Version 1. They include but are not limited to: