- Reliability, Availibility, and Security, 3rd International Workshop (WRAS 2010). Franck Petit and Sébastien Tixeuil, editor. , Zurich, Switzerland, July 2010. (BIB)
- Reliability, Availibility, and Security, 2nd International Workshop (WRAS 2009). Hirostugu Kakugawa and Sébastien Tixeuil, editor. , Hiroshima, Japan, December 2009. (BIB)
- Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel'2008). David Simplot-Ryl and Sébastien Tixeuil, editor. , St-Malo, France, May 2008. (URL) (BIB)
- Principles of Distributed Systems, 12th International Conference, OPODIS 2008, Luxor, Egypt, December 15-18, 2008. Proceedings. Theodore P. Baker and Alain Bui and Sébastien Tixeuil, editor. volume 5401 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2008. (BIB)
- Reliability, Availibility, and Security, 1st International Workshop, WRAS 2007, Paris, France, November 16, 2007, Proceedings. Toshimitsu Masuzawa and Sébastien Tixeuil, editor. , Univ. Paris 6, 2007. (BIB)
- Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, 9th International Symposium, SSS 2007, Paris, France, November 14-16, 2007, Proceedings. Toshimitsu Masuzawa and Sébastien Tixeuil, editor. volume 4838 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2007. (BIB)
- Self-Stabilizing Systems, 7th International Symposium, SSS 2005, Barcelona, Spain, October 26-27, 2005, Proceedings. Ted Herman and Sébastien Tixeuil, editor. volume 3764 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2005. (BIB)
- Actes de la première journée Réseaux et Algorithmes répartis. Sylvie Delaët and Thomas Herault and Colette Johnen and Sébastien Tixeuil, editor. volume 1325, Orsay, France, LRI, Université Paris Sud, June 2002. (BIB)
Book Chapters
- Self-stabilizing Algorithms. Sébastien Tixeuil, in Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook, Second Edition. CRC Press, Taylor \& Francis Group, November 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Dependability Evaluation of The Ogsa-Dai Middleware. William Hoarau, Sébastien Tixeuil, Nuno Rodrigues, Décio Sousa, and Luis Silva, in Achievements in European Research on Grid Systems. {S}pringer {B}erlin / {H}eidelberg, 2008. (URL) (BIB)
- Fault-tolerant distributed algorithms for scalable systems. Sébastien Tixeuil, in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. ISTE, October 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- Fault-injection and Dependability Benchmarking for GRID Computing Middleware. William Hoarau, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Luis Silva, in Integrated Research in Grid Computing. {S}pringer {B}erlin / {H}eidelberg, 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- The reduced automata technique for graph exploration space lower bounds. Pierre Fraigniaud, David Ilcinkas, Sergio Rajsbaum, and Sébastien Tixeuil, in Shimon Even Festschrift. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006. (URL) (BIB)
- Algorithmique répartie tolérante aux pannes dans les systèmes à grande échelle. Sébastien Tixeuil, in Réseaux mobiles ad hoc et réseaux de capteurs sans fils. Lavoisier, March 2006. (BIB)
International Journals
- Containing Byzantine Failures with Control Zones. Alexandre Maurer, and Sébastien Tixeuil. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. (TPDS), 26(2):362-370, January 2015. (BIB)
- Weak vs. Self vs. Probabilistic Stabilization. Stéphane Devismes, Masafumi Yamashita, and Sébastien Tixeuil. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS), 26(3):293-320, 2015. (BIB)
- Maximum Metric Spanning Tree Made Byzantine Tolerant. Swan Dubois, Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. {A}lgorithmica, 73(1):166-201, 2015. (BIB)
- Impossibility of Gathering, a Certification. Pierre Courtieu, Lionel Rieg, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Xavier Urbain. Information Processing Letters (IPL), 115(3):447-452, January 2015. (BIB)
- Optimal Probabilistic Ring Exploration by Semi-synchronous Oblivious Robots. Stéphane Devismes, Franck Petit, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 498:10-27, 2013. (BIB)
- Ideal stabilisation. Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. IJGUC, 4(4):219-230, 2013. (BIB)
- A self-stabilizing 3-approximation for the maximum leaf spanning tree problem in arbitrary networks. Sayaka Kamei, Hirotsugu Kakugawa, Stéphane Devismes, and Sébastien Tixeuil. J. Comb. Optim., 25(3):430-459, 2013. (BIB)
- Bounding the Impact of Unbounded Attacks in Stabilization. Swan Dubois, Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 23(3):460-466, March 2012. (URL) (BIB)
- Self-Stabilizing Byzantine Asynchronous Unison. Swan Dubois, Maria Potop-Butucaru, Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 72(7):917-923, July 2012. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- Stabilizing data-link over non-FIFO channels with optimal fault-resilience. Shlomi Dolev, Swan Dubois, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Inf. Process. Lett., 111(18):912-920, 2011. (BIB)
- Self-stabilization in Self-organized Multihop Wireless Networks. Nathalie Mitton, Bruno Séricola, Sébastien Tixeuil, Eric Fleury, and Isabelle Guérin-Lassous. Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, 11(1-2):1-34, January 2011. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- Deterministic Secure Positioning in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sylvie Delaët, Partha Sarathi Mandal, Mariusz Rokicki, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 412(35):4471-4481, August 2011. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- Dynamic FTSS in Asynchronous Systems: the Case of Unison. Swan Dubois, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 412(29):3418-3439, July 2011. (URL) (BIB)
- A self-stabilizing 2/3-approximation algorithm for the maximum matching problem. Fredrik Manne, Morten Mjelde, Laurence Pilard, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 412(40):5515-5526, September 2011. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- Ascending runs in dependent uniformly distributed random variables: Application to wireless networks. Nathalie Mitton, Katy Paroux, Bruno Sericola, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 12(1):51-62, January 2010. (URL) (BIB)
- Quiescence of Self-stabilizing Gossiping among Mobile Agents in Graphs. Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 411(14-15):1567-1582, March 2010. (URL) (BIB)
- Optimal Byzantine-resilient Convergence in Unidimensional Robot Networks. Zohir Bouzid, Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 411(34-36):3154-3168, July 2010. (URL) (BIB)
- Snap-Stabilization in Message-Passing Systems. Sylvie Delaët, Stéphane Devismes, Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 70(12):1220-1230, December 2010. (URL) (BIB)
- Discovering Network Topology in the Presence of Byzantine Nodes. Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 20(12):1777-1789, December 2009. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- A New Self-Stabilizing Maximal Matching Algorithm. Fredrik Manne, Morten Mjelde, Laurence Pilard, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 410(14):1336-1345, March 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Philosophers with Generic Conflicts. Praveen Danturi, Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. ACM Transactions of Adaptive and Autonomous Systems (TAAS), 4(1), January 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- On Bootstrapping Topology Knowledge in Anonymous Networks. Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. ACM Transactions on Adaptive and Autonomous Systems (TAAS), 4(1), January 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- An Exercise in Selfish Stabilization. Johanne Cohen, Anurag Dasgupta, Sukumar Ghosh, and Sébastien Tixeuil. ACM Transactions of Adaptive Autonomous Systems (TAAS), 3(4), November 2008. (URL) (BIB)
- Transient Fault Detectors. Joffroy Beauquier, Sylvie Delaët, Shlomi Dolev, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Distributed Computing, 20(1):39-51, June 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- Evaluating complex MAC protocols for sensor networks with APMC. Michaël Cadilhac, Thomas Hérault, Richard Lassaigne, Sylvain Peyronnet, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 185:33-46, July 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- FAIL-FCI: Versatile Fault-Injection. William Hoarau, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Fabien Vauchelles. Future Generation Computer Systems, 23(7):913-919, August 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- Stabilizing Link-Coloration of Arbitrary Networks with Unbounded Byzantine Faults. Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. International Journal of Principles and Applications of Information Science and Technology (PAIST), 1(1):1-13, December 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- Self-stabilization with r-operators revisited. Sylvie Delaët, Bertrand Ducourthial, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication (JACIC), 3(10):498-514, 2006. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- Stabilizing Inter-domain Routing in the Internet. Yu Chen, Ajoy Kumar Datta, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Journal of High Speed Networks, 14(1):21-37, 2005. (URL) (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Mutual Exclusion with Arbitrary Scheduler. Ajoy Kumar Datta, Maria Gradinariu, and Sébastien Tixeuil. The Computer Journal, 47(3):289-298, October 2004. (URL) (BIB)
- Self-stabilization with Path Algebra. Bertrand Ducourthial, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 293(1):219-236, February 2003. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Wormhole Routing on Ring Networks. Ajoy Kumar Datta, Maria Gradinariu, Anthony B. Kenitzky, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), 19:401-414, 2003. (URL) (BIB)
- Optimal Snap-stabilizing Neighborhood Synchronizer in Tree Networks. Colette Johnen, Luc Alima, Ajoy Kumar Datta, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Parallel Processing Letters (PPL), 12(3-4):327-340, 2002. (URL) (BIB)
- Tolerating Transient and Intermittent Failures. Sylvie Delaët, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 62(5):961-981, May 2002. (URL) (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Sorting on Tree Networks. Ajoy Kumar Datta, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Parallel Algorithms and Applications (PAA), 16(1):1-15, January 2001. (URL) (BIB)
- Self-stabilization with r-operators. Bertrand Ducourthial, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Distributed Computing (DC), 14(3):147-162, July 2001. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- Stabilizing Hierarchical Routing. Ajoy Kumar Datta, Jerry Derby, James Lawrence, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Journal of Interconnexion Networks (JOIN), 1(4):283-302, November 2000. (URL) (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Algorithms in DAG Structured Networks. Sajal Das, Ajoy Kumar Datta, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Parallel Processing Letters (PPL), 9(4):563-574, December 1999. (URL) (BIB)
International Conferences
- Self-stabilizing Byzantine Broadcast. Alexandre Maurer, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2014), Nara, Japan, October 2014. (BIB)
- Invited Paper: Dependable Information Broadcast in Sparsely Connected Networks. Alexandre Maurer, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In International Conference on Latin American Dependable Computing (LADC 2013), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, April 2013. (BIB)
- Fast Leader (Full) Recovery despite Dynamic Faults. Ajoy Kumar Datta, Stéphane Devismes, Lawrence Larmore, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2013), pages 428-433, Mumbai, India, January 2013. (BIB)
- Gathering of Mobile Robots Tolerating Multiple Crash Faults. Zohir Bouzid, Shantanu Das, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2013), pages 337-346, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 2013. (BIB)
- Linearizing Peer-to-Peer Systems with Oracles. Rizal Mohd Nor, Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In SSS, pages 221-236, 2013. (BIB)
- A scalable Byzantine grid. Alexandre Maurer, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2013), pages 87-101, Mumbai, India, January 2013. (BIB)
- Compact Deterministic Self-stabilizing Leader Election - The Exponential Advantage of Being Talkative. Lélia Blin, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), pages 76-90, Jerusalem, Israel, October 2013. (BIB)
- Brief Announcement: Certified Impossibility Results for Byzantine-Tolerant Mobile Robots. Cédric Auger, Zohir Bouzid, Pierre Courtieu, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Xavier Urbain. In International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), pages 577-578, Jerusalem, Israel, October 2013. (BIB)
- Brief Announcement: Deterministic Self-stabilizing Leader Election in $O(\log \log n)$ space. Lélia Blin, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2013), pages 125-127, Montréal, Canada. ACM, July 2013. (BIB)
- Certified Impossibility Results for Byzantine-Tolerant Mobile Robots. Cédric Auger, Zohir Bouzid, Pierre Courtieu, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Xavier Urbain. In SSS, pages 178-190, Osaka, Japan, November 2013. (BIB)
- Rigorous Performance Evaluation of Self-stabilization Using Probabilistic Model Checking. Narges Fallahi, Borzoo Bonakdarpour, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2013), pages 153-162, Braga, Portugal. IEEE, September 2013. (BIB)
- Consensus with Unknown Participants in Shared Memory. Catia Khouri, Fabíola Greve, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2013), pages 51-60, Braga, Portugal. IEEE, September 2013. (BIB)
- Gathering an even number of robots in a symmetric ring without global multiplicity detection. Anissa Lamani, Sayaka Kamei, Fukuhito Ooshita, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2012), Bratislava, Slovakia, August 2012. (BIB)
- Limiting Byzantine Influence in Multihop Asynchronous Networks. Alexandre Maurer, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2012), Macau, China, June 2012. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- The Byzantine Brides Problem. Swan Dubois, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Nini Zhu. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN 2012), Venice, June 2012. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- Four Months in DailyMotion: Dissecting User Video Requests. Yannick Carlinet, The Dang Huynh, Bruno Kauffmann, Fabien Mathieu, Ludovic Noirie, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Traffic Analysis and Classification (TRAC 2012), Limassol, Cyprus, August 2012. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- A Fast and Robust Optimistic Total Order Broadcast for Online Video Games. Samuel Bernard, Xavier Défago, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of FAINA 2012, Fukuoka, Japan, March 2012. (URL) (BIB)
- Brief Announcement: Wait-free Gathering of Mobile Robots. Zohir Bouzid, Shantanu Das, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC 2012), pages 405-406, Salvador, Brazil, October 2012. (BIB)
- Using Abstract Simulation for Performance Evaluation of Stabilizing Algorithms: The Case of Propagation of Information with Feedback. Jordan Adamek, Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilization, Safety, and Security in Distributed Systems (SSS 2012), Toronto, Canada, October 2012. (BIB)
- Crash Resilient and Pseudo-Stabilizing Atomic Registers. Shlomi Dolev, Swan Dubois, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2012), Rome, Italy, December 2012. (BIB)
- Brief Announcement: Discovering and Assessing Fine-grained Metrics in Robot Networks Protocols. François Bonnet, Xavier Défago, Franck Petit, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilization, Safety, and Security in Distributed Systems (SSS 2012), Toronto, Canada, October 2012. (BIB)
- On Byzantine Broadcast in Loosely Connected Networks. Alexandre Maurer, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC 2012), pages 257-270, Salvador, Brazil, October 2012. (BIB)
- Optimal Grid Exploration by Asynchronous Oblivious Robots. Stéphane Devismes, Anissa Lamani, Franck Petit, Pascal Raymond, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilization, Safety, and Security in Distributed Systems (SSS 2012), pages 64-76, Toronto, Canada, October 2012. (BIB)
- On the self-stabilization of mobile oblivious robots in uniform rings. Fukuhito Ooshita, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilization, Safety, and Security in Distributed Systems (SSS 2012), Toronto, Canada, October 2012. (BIB)
- Asynchronous mobile robot gathering from symmetric configurations without global multiplicity detection. Sayaka Kamei, Anissa Lamani, Fukuhito Ooshita, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2011), Gdansk, Poland, June 2011. (URL) (BIB)
- Maximum Metric Spanning Tree made Byzantine Tolerant. Swan Dubois, Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC 2011), Rome, Italy, September 2011. (URL) (BIB)
- Ideal Stabilization. Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of IEEE AINA 2011, pages 224-231, Biopolis, Singapore, March 2011. (URL) (BIB)
- Pragmatic Self-Stabilization of Atomic Memory in Message-Passing Systems. Noga Alon, Hagit Attiya, Shlomi Dolev, Swan Dubois, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilization, Safety, and Security in Distributed Systems (SSS 2011), Grenoble, France, October 2011. (BIB)
- Distributed Computing with Mobile Robots: an Introductory Survey. Maria Potop-Butucaru, Michel Raynal, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBIS), Tirana, Albania, September 2011. (BIB)
- Asynchronous exclusive perpetual grid exploration without sense of direction. François Bonnet, Alessia Milani, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2011), pages 251-265, Toulouse, France, December 2011. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- Brief Announcement: The BG-simulation for Byzantine Mobile Robots. Taisuke Izumi, Zohir Bouzid, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Koichi Wada. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC 2011), Roma, Italy, September 2011. (URL) (BIB)
- Universal Loop-Free Super-Stabilization. Lélia Blin, Maria Potop-Butucaru, Stéphane Rovedakis, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilization, Safety, and Security in Distributed Systems (SSS 2010), New York, NY, USA, September 2010. (BIB)
- The Impact of Topology on Byzantine Containment in Stabilization. Swan Dubois, Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC 2010), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, September 2010. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- On Byzantine Containment Properties of the min+1 Protocol. Swan Dubois, Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilization, Safety, and Security in Distributed Systems (SSS 2010), New York, NY, USA, September 2010. (URL) (BIB)
- Brief Announcement: Monotonic Stabilization. Yukiko Yamauchi, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2010), Zurich, Switzerland, July 2010. (BIB)
- A Self-Stabilizing 3-Approximation for the Maximum Leaf Spanning Tree Problem in Arbitrary Networks. Sayaka Kamei, Hirotsugu Kakugawa, Stéphane Devismes, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of COCOON 2010, Na Thrang, Vietnam, July 2010. (BIB)
- XS-WSNet : Extreme-scale Wireless Sensor Simulation. Asim Ali, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of WOWMOM 2010, Montreal, Canada, June 2010. (BIB)
- Stabilizing Locally Maximizable Tasks in Unidirectional Networks is Hard. Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2010), pages 718-727, June 2010. (BIB)
- Optimal deterministic ring exploration with oblivious asynchronous robots. Anissa Lamani, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2010), pages 183-196, June 2010. (BIB)
- Exclusive perpetual ring exploration without chirality. Lélia Blin, Alessia Milani, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC 2010), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, September 2010. (BIB)
- Connectivity-Preserving Scattering of Mobile Robots with Limited Visibility. Taisuke Izumi, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilization, Safety, and Security in Distributed Systems (SSS 2010), New York, NY, USA, September 2010. (BIB)
- Robocast: Asynchronous Communication in Robot Networks. Zohir Bouzid, Shlomi Dolev, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2010), Tozeur, Tunisia, December 2010. (BIB)
- Monotonic Stabilization. Yukiko Yamauchi, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2011), Tozeur, Tunisia, December 2010. (BIB)
- Self-Stabilizing Byzantine Asynchronous Unison. Swan Dubois, Maria Potop-Butucaru, Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2010), Tozeur, Tunisia, December 2010. (URL) (BIB)
- Advanced Faults Patterns for WSN Dependability Benchmarking. Asim Ali, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of ACM MSWiM 2010, Bodrum, Turkey. ACM, October 2010. (BIB)
- Brief Announcement: Sharing Memory in a Self-Stabilizing Manner. Noga Alon, Hagit Attiya, Shlomi Dolev, Swan Dubois, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC 2010), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, September 2010. (BIB)
- A framework for Secure and Private P2P Publish/Subscribe. Samuel Bernard, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilization, Safety, and Security in Distributed Systems (SSS 2010), pages 531-545, New York, NY, USA, September 2010. (URL) (BIB)
- SAFE-OS: a Secure and Usable Desktop Operating System. François Lesueur, Ala Rezmerita, Thomas Hérault, Sylvain Peyronnet, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of CRiSIS 2010, Montréal, Canada, October 2010. (BIB)
- Probabilistic Self-stabilizing Vertex Coloring in Unidirectional Anonymous Networks. Samuel Bernard, Stéphane Devismes, Katy Paroux, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of ICDCN 2010, pages 167-177, Kolkata, India, January 2010. (URL) (BIB)
- Optimal Deterministic Self-stabilizing Vertex Coloring in Unidirectional Anonymous Networks. Samuel Bernard, Stéphane Devismes, Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Systems (IPDPS 2009), pages 1-8, Rome, Italy, May 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Byzantine-resilient Convergence in Oblivious Robot Networks. Zohir Bouzid, Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In International Conference on Distributed Systems and Networks (ICDCN 2009), pages 275-280, January 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Snap-Stabilization in Message-Passing Systems. Sylvie Delaët, Stéphane Devismes, Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In International Conference on Distributed Systems and Networks (ICDCN 2009), pages 281-286, January 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Byzantine Convergence in Robots Networks: The Price of Asynchrony. Zohir Bouzid, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2009), pages 54-70, N\^{\i}mes, France, December 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Optimal Probabilistic Ring Exploration by Semi-synchronous Oblivious Robots. Stéphane Devismes, Franck Petit, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2009), pages 195-208, Piran, Slovenia, May 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- A New Self-Stabilizing Minimum Spanning Tree Construction with Loop-free Property. Lélia Blin, Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, Stéphane Rovedakis, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC 2009), Elche, Spain, September 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Communication Efficiency in Self-Stabilizing Silent Protocols. Stéphane Devismes, Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2009), pages 474-481, Montreal, Canada, June 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Optimal Byzantine Resilient Convergence in Asynchronous Robot Networks. Zohir Bouzid, Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilization, Safety, and Security in Distributed Systems (SSS 2009), pages 165-179, Lyon, France, November 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Brief Announcement: Dynamic FTSS in Asynchronous Systems: the Case of Unison. Swan Dubois, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC 2009), Elche, Spain, September 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Strong Stabilization: Bounding Times Affected by Byzantine Processes in Stabilization. Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Asian Association for Algorithms and Computation annual meeting (AAAC 2008), Hong Kong, April 2008. (BIB)
- Quiescence of Self-stabilizing Gossiping among Mobile Agents in Graphs. Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2008), Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, June 2008. (BIB)
- Weak vs. Self vs. Probabilistic Stabilization. Stéphane Devismes, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Masafumi Yamashita. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2008), pages 681-688, Beijin, China, June 2008. (URL) (BIB)
- Deterministic Secure Positioning in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sylvie Delaët, Partha Sarathi Mandal, Mariusz Rokicki, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Networks (DCOSS 2008), Santorini, Greece, June 2008. (URL) (BIB)
- Universe Detectors for Sybil Defense in Ad Hoc Wireles Networks. Adnam Vora, Mikhail Nesterenko, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Sylvie Delaët. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilization, Safety, and Security in Distributed Systems (SSS 2008), November 2008. (URL) (BIB)
- A self-stabilizing 2/3-approximation algorithm for the maximum matching problem. Fredrik Manne, Morten Mjelde, Laurence Pilard, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilization, Safety, and Security in Distributed Systems (SSS 2008), Detroit, November 2008. (URL) (BIB)
- Brief Announcement: Snap-Stabilization in Message-Passing Systems. Sylvie Delaët, Stéphane Devismes, Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2008), August 2008. (URL) (BIB)
- Knowledge Connectivity vs. Synchrony Requirements for Fault-Tolerant Agreement in Unknown Networks. Fabíola Greve, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and networks (DSN 2007), pages 82-91, June 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- Conflict Managers for Self-stabilization without Fairness Assumption. Maria Gradinariu, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2007), page 46, June 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- On the self-stabilization of mobile robots in graphs. Lélia Blin, Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2007), pages 301-314, December 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- A New Self-Stabilizing Maximal Matching Algorithm. Fredrik Manne, Morten Mjelde, Laurence Pilard, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2007), pages 96-108, June 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- Fault Injection in Distributed Java Applications. William Hoarau, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Fabien Vauchelles. In International Workshop on Java for Parallel and Distributed Computing (joint with IPDPS 2006), Greece, April 2006. (BIB)
- On Fast Randomized Colorings in Sensor Networks. Nathalie Mitton, Eric Fleury, Isabelle Guérin-Lassous, Bruno Séricola, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of ICPADS 2006, pages 31-38, July 2006. (BIB)
- Benchmarking the OGSA-DAI Middleware. William Hoarau, Sébastien Tixeuil, Nuno Moreno, Décio Sousa, and Luis Silva. In Second Coregrid Integration Workshop, Krakow, Poland, October 2006. (BIB)
- Discovering Network Topology in the Presence of Byzantine Nodes. Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2006), pages 212-226, Chester, UK, July 2006. (BIB)
- FAIL-MPI: How fault-tolerant is fault-tolerant MPI?. William Hoarau, Pierre Lemarinier, Thomas Herault, Eric Rodriguez, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Franck Cappello. In Proceedings of Cluster 2006, Barcelona, Spain, September 2006. (URL) (BIB)
- Space lower bounds for graph exploration via reduced automata. Pierre Fraigniaud, David Ilcinkas, Sergio Rajsbaum, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2005), pages 140-154, Mont Saint-Michel, France, May 2005. (BIB)
- Self-stabilization in Self-organized Wireless Multihop Networks. Nathalie Mitton, Eric Fleury, Isabelle Guérin-Lassous, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (WWAN'05), pages 909-915, Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 2005. (BIB)
- A Self-stabilizing Link Coloring Algorithm Resilient to Unbounded Byzantine Faults in Arbitrary Networks. Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2005), pages 118-129, Pisa, Italy, December 2005. (BIB)
- Fault-Injection and Dependability Benchmarking for Grid Computing Middleware. Sébastien Tixeuil, Luis Moura Silva, William Hoarau, Gon{ç}alo Jesus, João Bento, and Frederico Telles. In Proceedings of CoreGrid Integration Workshop, November 2005. (BIB)
- A language-driven tool for fault injection in distributed applications. William Hoarau, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Workshop GRID 2005, Seattle, USA, November 2005. (BIB)
- A Distributed TDMA Slot Assignment Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. Ted Herman, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks (AlgoSensors'2004), pages 45-58, Turku, Finland, July 2004. (BIB)
- Optimal Randomized Self-stabilizing Mutual Exclusion in Synchronous Rings. Philippe Duchon, Nicolas Hanusse, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC 2004), pages 216-229, Amsterdam, The Nederlands, October 2004. (BIB)
- Stabilité et Auto-stabilisation du Routage Inter-domaine dans Internet. Sylvie Delaët, Duy-So Nguyen, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of RIVF 2003, pages 139-144, Hano\ï, Vietnam, February 2003. (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Inter-domain Routing in the Internet. Yu Chen, Ajoy Kumar Datta, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Euro-Par'2002, pages 749-752, Paderborn, Germany, August 2002. (BIB)
- A Lower Bound on k-stabilization in Asynchronous Systems. Christophe Genolini, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of IEEE 21st Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS'2002), Osaka, Japan, October 2002. (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Wormhole Routing in Ring Networks. Ajoy Kumar Datta, Maria Gradinariu, Anthony B Kenitzki, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems ({ICPADS}'2002), Taiwan, ROC, December 2002. (Best paper award). (URL) (BIB)
- Tight Space Uniform Self-stabilizing l-Mutual Exclusion. Maria Gradinariu, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2001), pages 83-90, Phoenix, Arizona, May 2001. (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Mutual Exclusion Using Unfair Distributed Scheduler. Ajoy Kumar Datta, Maria Gradinariu, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In {IEEE} International Parallel and Distributed Processing SYmposium ({IPDPS}'2000), pages 465-470, Cancun, Mexico, May 2000. (BIB)
- Self-stabilization with Path Algebra. Bertrand Ducourthial, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2000), pages 95-110, L'Aquila, Italy, June 2000. (PDF) (BIB)
- Tolerating Transient and Intermittent Failures. Sylvie Delaët, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2000), pages 17-36, Paris, France, December 2000. (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Vertex Coloring of Arbitrary Graphs. Maria Gradinariu, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2000), pages 55-70, Paris, France, December 2000. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Neighborhood Synchronizer in Tree Networks. Colette Johnen, Luc Onana Alima, Ajoy Kumar Datta, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, pages 487-494, Austin, TX, USA, May 1999. (BIB)
- Self-Stabilizing Algorithms in DAG Structured Networks. Sajal Das, Ajoy Kumar Datta, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In 1999 International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks (ISPAN '99), pages 190-197, Fremantle, Australia, June 1999. (BIB)
- A Fault-tolerant Distributed Sorting Algorithm on Tree Networks. Gianluigi Alari, Joffroy Beauquier, Joseph Chacko, Ajoy Kumar Datta, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC'98), 1998. (BIB)
- Transient Fault Detectors. Joffroy Beauquier, Sylvie Delaët, Shlomi Dolev, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC 1998), pages 62-74, Andros, Greece, September 1998. (BIB)
- Self-Stabilization with Global Rooted Synchronizers. Luc Onana Alima, Joffroy Beauquier, Ajoy Kumar Datta, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, pages 102-109, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 1998. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- SelfStabilizing Global Computations with r-operators. Bertrand Ducourthial, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 1998), pages 99-114, Amiens, France, December 1998. (PDF) (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Token Ring. Sébastien Tixeuil, and Joffroy Beauquier. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on System Engineering (ICSE'96), 1996. (BIB)
National Journals
National Conferences
- Contenu généré par les utilisateurs : une étude sur DailyMotion. Yannick Carlinet, The Dang Huynh, Bruno Kauffmann, Fabien Mathieu, Ludovic Noirie, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2013, Pornic, France, May 2013. (BIB)
- Vérification formelle et robots mobiles. Béatrice Bérard, Laure Millet, Maria Potop-Butucaru, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Yann Thierry-Mieg. In Proceedings of Algotel 2013, Pornic, France, May 2013. (BIB)
- Tolérer les fautes Byzantines dans les graphes planaires. Alexandre Maurer, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2013, Pornic, France, May 2013. (BIB)
- Explorer une grille avec un minimum de robots amnésiques. Stéphane Devismes, Anissa Lamani, Franck Petit, Pascal Raymond, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2013, Pornic, France, May 2013. (BIB)
- Consenso com Participantes Desconhecidos em Memória Compartilhada. Cátia Khouri, Fabíola Greve, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC 2012), April 2012. (BIB)
- Mariages et Trahisons. Swan Dubois, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Nini Zhu. In Proceedings of Algotel 2012, La Grande Motte, France, May 2012. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- Confinement de fautes Byzantines dans les réseaux multi-sauts asynchrones. Alexandre Maurer, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2012, La Grande Motte, France, May 2012. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- Communication Optimalement Stabilisante sur Canaux non Fiables et non FIFO. Shlomi Dolev, Swan Dubois, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2011, April 2011. (URL) (BIB)
- Auto-Stabilisation et Confinement de Fautes Malicieuses : Optimalité du Protocole min+1. Swan Dubois, Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2011, April 2011. (URL) (BIB)
- Communications Efficaces et Auto-Stabilisation. Stéphane Devismes, Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2010, Belle-Dune, France, May 2010. (BIB)
- Construction auto-stabilisante d'arbre couvrant en dépit d'actions malicieuses. Swan Dubois, Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2010, Belle-Dune, France, May 2010. (BIB)
- Exploration Optimale Probabiliste d'un Anneau par des Robots Semi-Synchrones et Amnésiques. Stéphane Devismes, Franck Petit, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2009, May 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Stabilisation Instantanée dans les Systèmes à Passage de Messages. Sylvie Delaët, Stéphane Devismes, Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2009, May 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Sur le Coloriage Auto-stabilisant dans les Réseaux Unidirectionnels Anonymes. Samuel Bernard, Stéphane Devismes, Katy Paroux, Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2009, May 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Connaissance vs. Synchronie pour l'Accord Tolérant aux Pannes dans les Réseaux Inconnus. Fabíola Greve, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2007, Oléron, May 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- Condições de Conectividade para Realização de Acordo Tolerante a Falhas em Sistemas Auto-Organizàveis. Fabíola Gonçalves Pereira Greve, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC 2007), May 2007. (BIB)
- Convergence dans les réseaux sans fil. Nathalie Mitton, Eric Fleury, Isabelle Guérin-Lassous, Bruno Séricola, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2006, May 2006. (BIB)
- Auto-stabilisation dans les réseaux ad hoc. Nathalie Mitton, Eric Fleury, Isabelle Guérin-Lassous, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2005, pages 45-48, May 2005. (BIB)
- Un Algorithme TDMA Réparti pour les réseaux de capteurs. Ted Herman, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Rencontres Francophones sur l'Algorithmique des Communications (Algotel'2004), Batz sur Mer, France. ENST Bretagne, 2004. (BIB)
- Protocoles auto-stabilisants synchrones d'exclusion mutuelle pour les anneaux anonymes. Philippe Duchon, Nicolas Hanusse, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Rencontres Francophones sur l'Algorithmique des Communications (Algotel'2004), Batz sur Mer, France. ENST Bretagne, 2004. (BIB)
- Stabilité et Auto-stabilisation de BGP. Sylvie Delaët, Duy-So Nguyen, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Proceedings of Algotel 2003, Banyuls, France, May 2003. (BIB)
- Adaptive Multi-sourced Multicast. Bertrand Ducourthial, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Rencontres Francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications ({AlgoTel}'2001), pages 135-142, St-Jean de Luz, France, May 2001. (in French). (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Construction of Optimal Broadcast Forests. Bertrand Ducourthial, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Rencontres Francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel'2000), pages 149-154, La Rochelle, France, May 2000. (in French). (BIB)
- Auto-stabilisation en Dépit de Communications non Fiables. Sylvie Delaët, and Sébastien Tixeuil. In Renpar'9, Lausanne, Swizerland, June 1997. (BIB)
Unreviewed Publications
Technical Reports
- Compact Deterministic Self-Stabilizing Leader Election: The Exponential Advantage of Being Talkative. Lélia Blin, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, LIP6, 2014. (BIB)
- Parameterizable Byzantine Broadcast in Loosely Connected Networks. Alexandre Maurer, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, LIP6, January 2013. (BIB)
- On Byzantine Broadcast in Planar Graphs. Alexandre Maurer, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, UPMC Sorbonne Universités, January 2013. (URL) (BIB)
- Certified Impossibility Results for Byzantine-Tolerant Mobile Robots. Cédric Auger, Zohir Bouzid, Pierre Courtieu, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Xavier Urbain. Technical report, LIP6, June 2013. (BIB)
- The Random Bit Complexity of Mobile Robots Scattering. Quentin Bramas, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, September 2013. (BIB)
- Parameterizable Byzantine Broadcast in Loosely Connected Networks. Alexandre Maurer, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, UPMC Sorbonne Universités, November 2012. (URL) (BIB)
- Maximum Metric Spanning Tree made Byzantine Tolerant. Swan Dubois, Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, CoRR, April 2011. (URL) (BIB)
- Self-Stabilization, Byzantine Containment, and Maximizable Metrics: Necessary Conditions. Swan Dubois, Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, CoRR, March 2011. (URL) (BIB)
- Asynchronous mobile robot gathering from symmetric configurations without global multiplicity detection. Sayaka Kamei, Anissa Lamani, Fukuhito Ooshita, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, CoRR, April 2011. (URL) (BIB)
- A Taxonomy of Daemons in Self-stabilization. Swan Dubois, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1110.0334, ArXiv eprint, October 2011. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- The BG-simulation for Byzantine Mobile Robots. Taisuke Izumi, Zohir Bouzid, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Koichi Wada. Technical report, CoRR, June 2011. (URL) (BIB)
- Optimal grid exploration by asynchronous oblivious robots. Stéphane Devismes, Anissa Lamani, Franck Petit, Pascal Raymond, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, CoRR, May 2011. (URL) (BIB)
- The Impact of Topology on Byzantine Containment in Stabilization. Dubois, Swan, Masuzawa, Toshimitsu, and Tixeuil, Sébastien. Research Report inria-00481836, INRIA, 05 2010. (URL) (PDF) (BIB)
- Exclusive perpetual ring exploration without chirality. Lélia Blin, Alessia Milani, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, Univ. Pierre \& Marie Curie - Paris 6, March 2010. (BIB)
- Optimal deterministic ring exploration with oblivious asynchronous robots. Anissa Lamani, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, 2009. (BIB)
- Optimal Probabilistic Ring Exploration by Asynchronous Oblivious Robots. Stéphane Devismes, Franck Petit, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report inria-00360305, INRIA, February 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Stabilizing Maximal Independent Set in Unidirectional Networks is Hard. Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, March 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Optimal Byzantine Resilient Convergence in Asynchronous Robot Networks. Zohir Bouzid, Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, June 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Optimal byzantine resilient convergence in oblivious robot networks. Zohir Bouzid, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, May 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Byzantine Convergence in Robots Networks: The Price of Asynchrony. Zohir Bouzid, Maria Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, UPMC, August 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Ideal Stabilization. Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Research Report, June 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- A New Self-Stabilizing Minimum Spanning Tree Construction with Loop-free Property. Lélia Blin, Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, Stéphane Rovedakis, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report, May 2009. (URL) (BIB)
- Snap-Stabilization in Message-Passing Systems. Sylvie Delaët, Stéphane Devismes, Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Research Report 6446, INRIA, February 2008. (URL) (BIB)
- Ascending runs in dependent uniformly distributed random variables: Application to wireless networks. Nathalie Mitton, Katy Paroux, Bruno Sericola, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Research Report 6443, INRIA, February 2008. (URL) (BIB)
- Knowledge Connectivity vs. Synchrony Requirements for Fault-Tolerant Agreement in Unknown Networks. Fabiola Greve, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Research Report 6099, INRIA, January 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- A New Self-Stabilizing Maximal Matching Algorithm. Fredrik Manne, Morten Mjelde, Laurence Pilard, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Research Report 6111, INRIA, January 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- Deterministic Secure Positioning in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sylvie Delaët, Partha Sarathi Mandal, Mariusz Rokicki, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Research Report 6326, INRIA, October 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- On the Self-stabilization of Mobile Robots in Graphs. Lélia Blin, Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 6266, INRIA, September 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- Weak vs. Self vs. Probabilistic Stabilization. Stéphane Devismes, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Masafumi Yamashita. Technical report 6366, INRIA, November 2007. (URL) (BIB)
- Benchmarking the OGSA-DAI Middleware. William Hoarau, Sébastien Tixeuil, Nuno Rodrigues, Décio Sousa, and Luis Silva. Technical report 0060, CoreGRID, October 2006. (URL) (BIB)
- An Overview of Existing Tools for Fault-Injection and Dependability Benchmarking in Grids. William Hoarau, Luis Silva, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 0041, CoreGRID, October 2006. (URL) (BIB)
- Conflict Managers for Self-stabilization without Fairness Assumption. Maria Gradinariu, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1459, LRI, Université Paris Sud, September 2006. (URL) (BIB)
- FAIL-MPI: How fault-tolerant is fault-tolerant MPI?. Thomas Herault, William Hoarau, Pierre Lemarinier, Eric Rodriguez, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1450, Université Paris-Sud XI, June 2006. (BIB)
- Bounds on Topology Discovery in the Presence of Byzantine Faults. Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report TR-KSU-CS-2006-01, Dept. of Computer Science, Kent State University, 2006. ( (BIB)
- Discovering Network Topology in the Presence of Byzantine Nodes. Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report TR-KSU-CS-2005-1, Kent State University, May 2005. (BIB)
- A language-driven tool for fault injection in distributed systems. William Hoarau, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1399, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, February 2005. (BIB)
- A Self-Stabilizing Link-Coloring Protocol Resilient to Unbounded Byzantine Faults in Arbitrary Networks. Toshimitsu Masuzawa, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1396, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, January 2005. (BIB)
- On Fast Randomized Colorings in Sensor Networks. Nathalie Mitton, Eric Fleury, Isabelle Guérin-Lassous, Bruno Séricola, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1416, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, June 2005. (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Philosophers with Generic Conflicts. Praveen Danturi, Mikhail Nesterenko, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report TR-KSU-CS-2005-05, Kent State University, August 2005. (BIB)
- Easy Fault Injection and Stress Testing with FAIL-FCI. William Hoarau, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Fabien Vauchelles. Technical report 1421, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, October 2005. (BIB)
- Fault Injection in Distributed Java Applications. William Hoarau, Sébastien Tixeuil, and Fabien Vauchelles. Technical report 1420, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, October 2005. (BIB)
- Self-stabilization in Self-organized Wireless Multihop Networks. Nathalie Mitton, Eric Fleury, Isabelle Guérin-Lassous, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 5426, INRIA, December 2004. (URL) (BIB)
- Optimal self-stabilizing mutual exclusion on synchronous rings. Philippe Duchon, Nicolas Hanusse, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1389, University of Paris Sud XI, June 2004. (BIB)
- Route Preserving Stabilization. Colette Johnen, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1353, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, 2003. (BIB)
- Self-stabilization with r-operators in Unreliable Directed Networks. Sylvie Delaët, Bertrand Ducourthial, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1361, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, 2003. (BIB)
- Auto-stabilisation et Protocoles Réseau. Colette Johnen, Franck Petit, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1357, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, 2003. (BIB)
- A Distributed TDMA Slot Assignment Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. Ted Herman, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1370, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, 2003. (URL) (BIB)
- Stabilizing Inter-domain Routing in the Internet. Yu Chen, Ajoy Kumar Datta, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1302, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, 2002. (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Wormhole Routing on Ring Networks. Ajoy Kumar Datta, Maria Gradinariu, Anthony B. Kenitzki, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1324, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, 2002. (URL) (BIB)
- Reactive k-stabilization and time adaptivity: possibility and impossibility results. Christophe Genolini, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1276, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, 2001. (BIB)
- Self-stabilization with r-operators. Bertrand Ducourthial, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 2001/358, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, 2001. (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Mutual Exclusion Using Unfair Distributed Scheduler. Ajoy Kumar Datta, Maria Gradinariu, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1227, University of Paris Sud XI, February 2000. (BIB)
- Stabilizing Hierarchical Routing. Ajoy Kumar Datta, Jerry Derby, James Lawrence, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1244, University of Paris Sud XI, February 2000. (BIB)
- Tolerating Transient and Intermittent Failures. Sylvie Delaët, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1246, University of Paris Sud XI, March 2000. (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Vertex Coloring of Arbitrary Graphs. Maria Gradinariu, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1260, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, September 2000. (BIB)
- Tight Space Uniform Self-stabilizing l-Mutual Exclusion. Maria Gradinariu, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1249, University of Paris Sud XI, March 2000. (BIB)
- Self-stabilization in Eulerian Networks with Cut-through Constraints. Joffroy Beauquier, Shay Kutten, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1200, University of Paris Sud XI, January 1999. (BIB)
- Self-stabilization with Path Algebra. Bertrand Ducourthial, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1202, University of Paris Sud XI, February 1999. (BIB)
- Self-stabilization with Causally Synchronized Wave on Tree Networks. Colette Johnen, Sébastien Tixeuil, Ajoy Kumar Datta, and Luc Alima. Technical report 1144, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, January 1998. (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Neighborhood Synchronizer in Tree Networks. Colette Johnen, Luc Alima, Ajoy Kumar Datta, and Sébastien Tixeuil. INFO RR 98-12, Université Catholique de Louvain, November 1998. (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Sorting on Unidirectional Rings. Joffroy Beauquier, Ajoy Kumar Datta, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1174, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, May 1998. (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Global Computations with r-Operators. Bertrand Ducourthial, and Sébastien Tixeuil. Technical report 1182, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, July 1998. (PDF) (BIB)
- Self-stabilizing Token Ring. Sébastien Tixeuil, and Joffroy Beauquier. Technical report 1033, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, February 1996. (BIB)
- Auto-stabilisation par Propagation de Compteur. Sébastien Tixeuil. Master's thesis, Université de Paris Sud, June 1995. (BIB)