Ami Paz (IRIF) - Redundancy in Distributed Proofs
Read more12/12/2018, 10h30, LIP6 24-25 room 405 Title: Redundancy in Distributed Proofs Abstract: Distributed proofs are mechanisms enabling the nodes of a network to collectively and efficiently check the correctness of Boolean predicates on the structure of the network (e.g....
Impact of Man-In-The-Middle Attacks on Ethereum
Read moreAbstract:: Recent theoretical attacks conjectured the vulnerabilities of mainstream blockchains through simulations or assumption violations. Unfortunately, previous results typically omit both the nature of the network under which the blockchain code runs and whether blockchains are private, consortium or public....
"Taking Turing to the Theater" - Zvi Lotker
Read moreAbstract:: Computer science has grown out of the seed of imitation. From von Neumann's machine to the famous Turing test, which sparked the field of AI, algorithms have always tried to imitate humans and nature. Examples of such ``imitation...
HDR/PHD Defenses
Amr ABDELFATTAH - Fair coexistence between LTE and Wi-Fi in unlicensed spectrum
Read moreJune 18th, 25-26/105 Rapporteurs: • M. Mostafa Ammar - Professeur, Georgia Institute of Technology •...
Organized Events
Blockchains : de la pratique à la théorie
Read moreA l'occasion de l'inauguration de l'équipe de recherche commune BRICS entre LIP6 (Sorbonne Université) et CEA LIST sur la...
Invited Researchers
Accepted papers and projects
FP7 MOTO Video
Read moreFP7 MOTO is a cool project that proposes mobile offloading techniques to help operators face the data tsunami problem.
"Taking Turing to the Theater" - Zvi Lotker
Read moreAbstract:: Computer science has grown out of the seed of imitation. From von Neumann's machine to the famous Turing test, which sparked the field of AI, algorithms have always...
Narcisse NYA KAMTCHOUM - Modèles Multicellulaires pour les Réseaux Mobiles 4G et 5G
Read more6 July 2018, 16h, 25-26/105 Rapporteurs - Gentian Jakllari Maître de Conférences (HDR), Université de Toulouse - Salah Eddine Elayoubi Professeur, CentraleSupelec Examinateurs - Isabelle Guérin Lassous Professeur, Université Claude...
NPA Students’ Day
Read moreLes doctorants et les stagiaires de l'équipe NPA - Networks and Performance Analysis - ont le plaisir de vous inviter à une journée où ils présenteront leurs travaux. L'événement aura lieu demain...
Radio Resource Allocation and Interference Management for 5G Cloud/Fog Radio Access Networks
Read moreAbstract:: In this work, we investigate the user clustering and beamforming issues for Cloud Radio Access Networks (CRANs) and Fog Radio Access Networks (FogRANs), the promising network architectures for...
Blockchains : de la pratique à la théorie
Read moreA l'occasion de l'inauguration de l'équipe de recherche commune BRICS entre LIP6 (Sorbonne Université) et CEA LIST sur la thématique de la scalabilité, la fiabilité et la sécurité des ...
Amr ABDELFATTAH - Fair coexistence between LTE and Wi-Fi in unlicensed spectrum
Read moreJune 18th, 25-26/105 Rapporteurs: • M. Mostafa Ammar - Professeur, Georgia Institute of Technology • Mme. Véronique Vèque - Professeur, Université Paris-Sud •...
Partial gathering and uniform deployment of mobile agents in ring networks
Read moreAbstract:: We introduce the results we for partial gathering and uniform deployment of mobile agents in ring networks. The partial gathering problem requires, for a given positive integer g,...
Kickoff - ANR DataTweet
Read moreThe ANR DataTweet project proposes to explore the idea of a ubiquitous public data service for transmitting short messages in a similar way to Twitter. Any user or source of...
FP7 MOTO Video
Read moreFP7 MOTO is a cool project that proposes mobile offloading techniques to help operators face the data tsunami problem.
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