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Received Submissions

  1. Elastic Quotas and Distributed Data Handling on the SAM-Grid, Charles Dowling and Andrew Baranovski. (PDF Abstract)
  2. A Certification Authority for Grid t-Infrastructure: An Online CA Case Study, Daniel Kouril, Michal Prochazka. (PDF Abstract, PDF Poster)
  3. Using a Practical Architecture to Prosper Grid Development, Wei Sun, Yuanyuan Zhang, and Yasushi Inoguchi. (PDF Abstract)
  4. Improving the Availability of Replication in Non-dedicated Resources, Yuanyuan Zhang, Wei Sun , Yasushi Inoguchi. (PDF Abstract)
  5. RENATER dark fiber "Project Architecture", Philippe d'Anfray and Franck Simon (PDF Abstract)
  6. The SIMGRID Project: Simulation and Deployment of Distributed Applications, Arnaud Legrand, Martin Quinson, Henri Casanova, and Kayo Fujiwara (PDF Abstract, PDF Poster)
  7. Geometrical interpretation for data partitioning, Christophe Cérin, Hazem Fkaier, and Mohamed Jemni (PDF Abstract)
  8. XtremLab: A System for Characterizing Volunteer Computing Resources, Paul Malecot, Derrick Kondo, Gilles Fedak, and Franck Cappello (PDF Abstract, PDF Poster)
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Page last modified on March 12, 2006, at 09:39 PM