Methodology for Research in Networking (Méthodes de Travail pour la Recherche en Réseaux) 2021-2022

Conditions concerning the pandemic.

  • As for Jan. 5, 2022, due to the short notice, we will have class on campus. For the students who cannot come, please drop me an email (marcelo . amorim [at] lip6 . fr).
  • As for Jan. 12, 2022, we will have class on campus. For the students who cannot come, please drop me an email (sebastien . tixeuil [at] lip6 . fr).

PRESENTATIONS. Each student has a 12-minute slot: 10 minutes for the presentation and 2 minutes for questions.

Students presenting on Jan. 5, 2022:

  1. Melissa SEDKI
  2. Richard DIEP
  4. Abderrahmene TAYEB CHERIF
  5. Alberto PETROSSI
  6. Miguel CHIRLIAS
  7. Davide GALVAN
  8. Youssef BOUHDDOU
  9. Djazia BENLADGHEM
  10. Yanis AITLAMINE

Students presenting on Jan. 12, 2022:

  1. Patryk FUSSEK
  2. Lynda AZEM
  3. Gabriel CAO
  4. Hao SUN
  5. Maria DIDOUCHE
  6. Oriane HOURI
  7. Thanina BOULTACHE
  8. Safa HAMMAMI
  9. Oumaima BELLOUCH
  10. Nesrine HAMED KHODJA

Internship 6, Internship 7, Internship 8

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